Chapter 16 - Work Of Art

After bidding farewell, Liana and Celeste entered the church followed by the group of knights.

However, the knights' gaze as they passed by me was truly terrifying. It felt like they would pounce on me if I stayed any longer, so I immediately left the church yard.

But honestly, I didn't know where to go.

After this chaos was handled, many people were busy moving here and there to deal with the aftermath of the disaster that occurred. Many volunteers consisting of Masters and Isans came from various regions in the capital to provide assistance to the Isans who were affected by this incident.

The Imams and medical teams were also busy providing assistance to the Isans who were trapped in this incident, ensuring that they received good care.

"What do you think will be done to the slum area that has now become rubble," I asked, trying to start a conversation with the girl who had been frowning all this time.

"They can build a new palace there," the girl, Sekhmet, said indifferently.

"Don't say that in this situation," I scolded her.

"How would I know? Why didn't you ask your two Princesses earlier, huh?!"

I was a little annoyed with her indifferent answer, it was not appropriate for the situation that was happening now.

"They're not my princesses. We have to think about their feelings too, I don't want to talk about something heavy after they've experienced that," I replied seriously.

"Hehhh ... what about you yourself? You also went through that heavy incident on your first day entering this world... why do you prioritize other people's feelings over your own?" Sekhmet stared at me sharply.

"Sekhmet ..." I lost my words.

"By the way, Master. Why don't you rest first?" Sekhmet changed the topic.

"Well, I plan to do that, but I don't know where to rent a hotel or inn ..."

"Eh? Why don't you just Log Out?"


Damn, I forgot about this too.

I hurriedly opened my window screen and selected the "Log Out" option from the "Main Menu".

"See you later Sekhmet"

"I'll be waiting for you, master."

As my body disappeared from this world, like waking up from a dream, my consciousness disappeared from Unbound Boundary.

Leonardo Novalion, ???

The view in front of me changed to a regular apartment where I did tutorials with Sunshine.

Of course, I didn't see the toy horse anywhere.

"Huhhhh ..."

I took a deep breath as my body sank into the sofa when I lost my physical support. I felt very tired and exhausted, almost unable to move.

Although my body may not have felt very burdened, my mental and emotional state was truly drained.

I never imagined this situation in my life, when I was waiting for my death, suddenly I was invited to another world, and on my first day in that world, I was involved in a major incident where someone's life was at stake.

It was truly a miracle that I could save Celeste. I shouldn't ask for more..

But even so, in the end there were still casualties...

I closed my eyes, my consciousness becoming blurred as I tried to escape my regrets.




I slowly opened my eyes, peeking around the place where I was. An apartment room that was familiar yet looked strange from behind my heavy eyelids. Suddenly, I felt a gentle touch next to me and I felt the warmth of someone's body next to me.

When I fully opened my eyes, I saw a very beautiful girl lying next to me. Using my hand as a pillow, her face looked very calm and peaceful as she slept.

I don't remember how this girl, Sekhmet, could be next to me and what happened before.

I slowly released my hand from her embrace and got out of bed to check my body.

Although I slept without wearing clothes, my pants were still intact. So it was unlikely that the two of us did anything like that, besides Sekhmet was still wearing her Arabian Dance costume.

I immediately looked away from her and scanned the room around me.

At the window, the full moon hung in the starry night sky.

Huh? A window?

This is the same apartment room as before, but now there are many fixtures installed. Fixtures that were not there before were now installed everywhere, like a flat-screen TV on the wall, a room heater that was on, and a large refrigerator in the corner of the room. Even the large and comfortable bed I had just been on was a new fixture in this room.

I noticed how these fixtures fit well in this spacious room. The previously empty walls now had beautiful paintings and small trinkets like flowers and vases.

Then my gaze fell on a tablet lying on the table.

I rushed over and picked up and opened the tablet.

"So that's it."

Apparently, while I was asleep, Sekhmet customized this room. But man...even the view outside can be customized on this tablet.


If she can also enter this room, why didn't she appear when I first logged out? She even said she would wait for me in the Unbound Boundary world.

Maybe she didn't know she could enter this room or maybe she was just a caring girl.

As I pondered that, I brought a chair and sat next to the bed facing Sekhmet who was currently asleep.

Sekhmet is a Extremely beautiful young woman. As she lay there, her eyes closed in peaceful slumber, the soft rise and fall of her chest visible under the sheets, it was hard to believe that such a stunning creature could be my partner.

But as the moonlight played across her features, it was impossible not to be entranced by her beauty. Her face was a symphony of perfect angles and curves, from the delicate slope of her nose to the fullness of her lips.

As if sensing the admiring gaze upon her, Sekhmet stirred in her sleep, turning slightly towards the window. The light caught her hair, setting it ablaze with fiery hues, and illuminates the perfection of every curve of her toned and voluptuous figure.

Truly, she was a goddess among mortals, a woman whose beauty could inspire poets and artists for generations to come. And yet, in that moment, as she lay there in the soft embrace of the night, she seemed so fragile, so vulnerable, it made a dark desire well up in my heart.

As I brought my face closer to hers, I could feel her gentle and fragrant breath. Her red lips looked tempting and soft under the moonlight shining in the room. Her closed eyes added to the impression of peace and calm, as if she was sleeping soundly.

'How can someone look so beautiful even when sleeping?'

Then I brought my lips to her ear and whispered,

"It's time to take your kidney."

Then a blow landed on my chin, knocking me unconscious on the spot.


"It's that so..."

I am currently checking Sekhmet's stats on the status screen. Now that Sekhmet has hatched from form zero to form one, I see that the "Saga" menu has been added to the "Detailed Status Screen."

A new window appears, displaying Sekhmet's figure and all of her parameters. The name "Servant of Destruction, Sekhmet" and "Type Servant with Armament" appear in the window.

In addition, there are ATK and DEF stats displayed, as well as all other stats values. ATK and DEF stats are added when using Sekhmet as a weapon.

"So this is just like a regular weapon and armor."

Overall, her stats are twice as high as mine. Her HP value reaches 253, and her STR value is 96. The additional ATK stat when using Sekhmet is 100.

"No wonder your punch can knock me out, even though you look human, you're clearly not human," I said to the girl who was currently sitting on my lap.

However, it seems that the stats values will always be added as long as Sekhmet is in weapon form, and it seems that they are not just values that enhance my stats. When leveling up, my stat increases will also take into account these stats values.

"Don't make me sound like a monster, you lecherous master."

Sekhmet's stats are quite good because even though she has just hatched as a Saga, her stats exceed mine. But even so, how can we defeat Barbarossa with just beginner stats?

As I pondered this, I found the skill section in the Saga window. There are two skills listed there, "Source of Destruction" and "Flame Wall."