Chapter 17 - Miracle

The Flame Wall skill is the light wall that Sekhmet uses. The skill has two uses in stock, and each time it is used, an orange light wall can be created to defend and at the same time deal fire damage on attacking enemies, making it a perfect defensive and offensive skill. This skill will recover one stock every 12 hours.

Next is the skill that makes Barbarossa receive the death penalty, Source of Destruction.

The skill gathers all the total damage that occurs in my battle against the enemy within a period of 30 minutes, whether it is damage that I received or damage that I gave, and releases that damage as an attack that ignores all defenses. Even damage that is reduced by items and other skills or eliminated by Flame Wall will be added to the total damage.

'But after this skill is used, it seems that the damage counter for the related enemy will be reset.'

Closing the window about Sekhmet. I turned my gaze forward, obstructed by Sekhmet's tall and slender body there was a computer that I had just installed in this room.

"I'm not a pervert, nor do I want you to sit on my lap."

Since my beginner set of clothes had been given to Celeste, I was now shirtless, while Sekhmet wore an Arabian dance costume that exposed a lot of skin. There was practical physical contact between her back and my chest.

It's not that I not enjoyed this, it's just that if we stayed in this position any longer, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to control myself.

"What did you say, master? This is your punishment for saying something like that," Sekhmet said flatly.

'You're the one who's more suitable to be called a pervert,' I thought.

"At least change your position, I can't see the computer in front of me."

After that, Sekhmet changed her position from sitting behind me to sitting sideways so that I could see her blushing face.

'Oh my Goddess, why did you insist on sitting on my lap from the beginning?'

Deciding to ignore that, I turned my gaze to the computer screen.

Although it was only limited to players, it seemed that there was the Internet in the Unbound Boundary, and you could do many things such as streaming and surfing social media made by players.

You can open the internet on the main menu screen, but I chose to do it on the computer because I was more used to it.

And now I am browsing information about Barbarossa on a social media network called Wikipedia. There is a lot of information collected by volunteers.

Apparently, Barbarossa entered the world of Unbound Boundary about 4 years ago, she first affiliated with the Machia Republic before eventually leaving and affiliating with the Shazara Sultanate about half a year ago, when his Saga had reached the 7th form.

As Rex said at the time, Barbarossa had a job build of puppeteers, and because the Supreme Job of the Puppeteer group had been taken by someone else, Barbarossa could only have Rare and Unique jobs.

Then there is also information about Barbarossa's Saga, Raktabija. Unfortunately, information about this is very limited, most of which come from circulating rumors. such as the suspicion that Raktabija can duplicate himself indefinitely, then there is also the suspicion that Raktabija has a similar skill to life link, namely a skill that transfers the damage received by players to their minions.

If I'm not mistaken, Barbarossa mentioned the name of that skill as 'Binding soul.'

With a Saga that can duplicate itself indefinitely and a skill that transfers the damage it receives to its Saga, no wonder he said he was undefeated.

'So how can we defeated someone like her?!'

"Sekhmet, can you explain to me how we could have defeated Barbarossa?"

Since I couldn't think of a definite answer, I just asked the person who had it.

"Huhhh, didn't I already say it, you slow master"

That's true when she was hatched she said something about this, but I couldn't understand it at all. Especially how the Skill we used ended up burning all the Raktabija.

"During the battle with Barbarossa. Besides the damage he inflicted on you, in fact there was one more battle that contributed the most to the total damage calculation"

"The battle between Rex and Raktabija, I suppose, Is the damage from the fight of Party members like that also counted?" I said, expressing my guess.

"No, you misunderstood master, the damage calculated from their fight is only the damage received by Raktabija"

So what's the difference! What's with your bad habit of never giving a conclusion after explaining.

Did she mean to say that we could include the damage Raktabija received in the total damage because Raktabija is a doll and Saga Barbarossa? Or maybe it's because of a skill?

After thinking about it for a moment, I voiced my guess.

"In other words, it's the enemy's side that contributes to this total damage calculation. And because Barbarossa has a skill called 'binding soul' the damage that should have been received by Barbarossa is transferred to Raktabija," I said.

So, I was able to defeat Barbarossa thanks to a skill that made him invincible. Truly ironic.

At least this mist of mystery is getting clearer. Now I know how Raktabija could burn.

Eh? Liana said not one or two Raktabija burned, but all of them. Including those who had been disabled by the masters.

"Sekhmet... how much total damage have you accumulated?"

"30,845,836," Sekhmet answered shortly.


"Just so you know master, I didn't have enough time to gather all the damage from that fight"

"By the way Sekhmet... How much damage did I take from Barbarossa's blow?" I asked cautiously.

"Without being reduced by the Potion of Invincibility, you should have received around 1000 damage"

That's ten times the HP I have now. With this ratio, Sekhmet's 'Source of Destruction' skill can kill 300,000 of me at once.

"With that much damage, we should be able to easily destroy mountains or, if you want, we can attack the imperial palace," Sekhmet said, reading my thoughts.


So, that's the meaning of the goddess of destruction.

"Don't say creepy things like that, Miss Sekhmet, we have to respect human rights," now I have to speak politely to this girl.

"What are you talking about, and stop talking like that, it's creepy," Sekhmet said with a disgusted look.

"...Even after revealing the secret behind what happened, it's still a miracle."

The one-hit-kill attack might be because I was weak and my opponent was very strong.

The fact that I had gone through several near-death experiences, with the help of the Potion given by Rex, which also played a big role.

And above all, the characteristic of Sekhmet's skill is very suitable for the recent situation.

"That's a satisfactory result."

Saga is something unique that combines the qualities, personality, biorhythm, and so on of a person, right? Seeing the results I got now, it's more like if Saga was specially planned for that situation.

Also, a skill that becomes stronger the longer the battle lasts? Are they trying to make me look like a battle maniac or something?

"Let me tell you first, this is the result of continuous observation of you. There is no mistake in that."

Sekhmet's words were full of

regretful tone.

"Err, observation?"

"Zeroth form is the period used by Saga to observe its Master.

"The zeroth form is the period Saga uses to refer to their Master. Once they finish examining what kind of person they are, according to what they find in what is called the Master, Saga will then be born into the first form. Well, even if someone has similar experiences and behavior, there will be differences in Saga's form and skill, according to each Master."


In other words, my entire experience since I started playing this game is specifically reflected there.

... Come to think of it, I feel like I've experienced many situations where I've received damage that almost caused me to die, like in the collision with Liana right at the beginning and the entire battle against Barbarossa. If this skill is the result of all that directly, then I can't do anything but accept this situation.

"... However, I think Flame wall comes from your own personality, Master."


How could that be?