Chapter 18 - News

"By the way Sekhmet, for a Saga that has just been born for a day, you have more knowledge about this world than me."

Yes, I already knew this yesterday...

Anyway, this is strange.

"Honestly, Master, it's because before we were born, we Saga learned our Master's memories. While the System provides information about the world we live in, we also learn about the world's information from our Master."

Ahh, so that's why she knows about Saga Evolution and so on.

"In short, Sagas know everything about their Masters, you understand?"

"So, what kind of girl do I like?"

"Someone who looks like me!"



Well, I guess we can say that they didn't learn everything we know, only general knowledge that was given to them.

Closing the information page about Barbarossa, I decided to look for information related to yesterday's incident on the bulletin board.

I hardly needed to make any effort to find what I wanted.

The big news around the Empire-related news was about the "Terrorist Attack in the Capital City of Vera."

It seemed like a big event that happened recently. A terrorist attack on the capital city of the country is a big deal. But this time it took on a larger dimension.

Why? Because this terrorism case was not just a regular terror case that destroyed districts in the empire, but also expanded to the previous Clash of Supreme case. In addition, the perpetrator, who was a Supreme belonging to the Shazara Sultanate, identified that this case was not just an individual terrorism case, but also involved a country.

The main question here is:

Who ended the incident in the capital city of Vera?

And how will this case affect the increasingly tense diplomatic situation in the western part of the continent?

Soon after, the bulletin board showed that, most likely, it was rumored that this situation would become an explosive fuel trigger. People wondered if the sudden attack was the Shazara Sultanate's attempt to "prepare for starting a war."

To be honest, I don't believe that everything written here is true, because the writer also seems to not know the big picture of this incident.

For example, he didn't know that one of the biggest incidents of this case was that the third princess of the empire was kidnapped.

But even so, this is popular news that is flooded with thousands of comments.

After that, I searched for more news related to this incident and then found several other popular news about the second princess of the empire, Liana Yang, who directly intervened to handle this incident.

"There is no news about the kidnapping of the third princess," I said.

"Well, maybe the Empire intentionally kept this news secret," Sekhmet replied, also reading the news with me.

I don't know the reason, but I'm sure they have a reasonable reason to keep this incident secret.

"But Master, what's more important is why there is no news about us as heroes who saved the empire!"

Huh, I'm not sure our actions have that much impact.

"Well, isn't this a good thing? It would be very troublesome if we were famous because of this."

And I saved Celeste not because I wanted to become famous.

"Is that because it will hinder your goal?" Sekhmet said.

It seems like she knows that, it's true, if I become famous, I think various people looking for trouble will come to me.

If that's the case, I won't be able to focus on finding my siblings.

"But Master, on the other hand, if you're famous, wouldn't your sister somewhere easily find out about your whereabouts?"

It not that i hadn't realized that. It's just,

"What's wrong, Master?"

"Alright, we can try that way. But since we're still weak, I think we should avoid getting famous," i said.


After surfing the internet for a while to find information about the incident, I found a newly published news that informed that the ruins of the former slum area had returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened in that area.

I immediately decided to log in


Leonardo Novalion, the capital city's square in Vera.

A magnificent castle could be seen in the distance, built on a beautiful lake and surrounded by tall trees.

Unlike yesterday, the atmosphere around the square was not as busy as before. Maybe because of the incident, or maybe because it was still early in the morning.

"Master, you really have thick skin," said Sekhmet in amazement.

"I really have no other choice. I don't want to log in and roam the streets of the capital city looking like this."

The only clothes I had were already torn apart, so now I was only wearing pants from a beginner adventurer set.

So we unavoidably attracted people's attention.

Anyway, they can't see a combination of a very beautiful girl wearing an Arabian Dance Costume and a bare-chested man every day.

"By the way, Master, are we going to leave right away?" said the beautiful girl.

"How about we eat first?" I replied, pointing to the food stands in the distance.

Fortunately, my Beginner Storage Bag was not destroyed, so the money I saved in it was still safe.

The two of us walked towards the food stands.

"Sekhmet, do you have any food you want to buy?"

"I don't know, I feel like everything looks delicious and it's hard to choose just one."

"Let's buy some food and try it together. I like to try new food from different places."

Then we walked around the stands in the area, looking for dishes that caught our attention. We chose various dishes from snacks to delicious-looking main courses. After a while, we managed to buy several dishes that appealed to us.

However, when I looked at the remaining ganis, I found that we had spent half of the initial money I received from Sunshine.

It seems like we were too excited.

'Maybe I'll really go bankrupt if I can't find a way to make money...'

I thought to myself as I sat on one of the benches on the square.

"That's right, the imperial family is really stingy for not giving any rewards for a five-star quest," Sekhmet said while sitting on my lap.

She sat on my lap as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, as if I were a throne specifically made for her.

"You know, there's still space next to me," I said tiredly.

There's no reason for her to sit on my lap now. Also, doesn't she notice the looks of people around us?

"Why do you care so much about such a trivial matter, master? What's more important is that you should immediately take out the food."

Sekhmet said it quickly and with a reddened face.

If you feel embarrassed yourself, why did you do it? Huh, I really don't understand this girl's thinking.

I took out two falafels from the storage bag and gave one to Sekhmet.

Then when I tasted the falafel,

"gasp! What is this, it's crazy delicious!"

It tasted really good, crispy on the outside but soft and tender on the inside. I immediately swallowed it before saying, "This is really good! No wonder it's so expensive!"

The gorengan I had yesterday was good, but this falafel was much better.

Although it was made from unknown ingredients and cooking methods, for some reason I could understand that their deliciousness had been extracted perfectly - and damn, this is incredibly delicious.

"The stall owner is a player who has the ability of a top-class 'cooking' skill, a 'Star Chef'. In Earth terms, you could say that his highly trained expertise is equivalent to a three-star chef."

A voice next to me answered, no, 'person' is not the right word, the one who spoke just now was an orange-colored cat wearing a cowboy outfit.
