Season 3 Chapter 9

I was sitting in front of Director and Vice-Director waiting for them to make a decision, while they go through the CCTV footage, and stared at each other's faces. There was a knock at the door, as someone called for the Director, he stood up and excused himself before exiting the room, Vice-Director smiled while watching each of my movements, he was an old man at his 60s, and this is his last year as the Vice-Director, I have heard from Jules that he is a kind man, and I hope he will be merciful.

Gunther: So…Miss Elizabeth, hope you are feeling settled in Germany. (He smiles warmly) Sorry, but we are waiting for Miss Emilia, I think you met her on your first day.

Me: (I nod slightly) I understand Sir, I hope you won't be unfair while giving judgement. (I smiled) Because I trust your sense of justice.

Gunther: You are quite sharp, I liked that about your personality, at the same time, you are know how to standup towards injustice…but Miss Elizabeth, losing control in public could impact your overall image, everything should have a time and space, and a mechanism. (He said while sighing) Karl was supposed to play in a match next week, but because of his broken arm, he needs to rest for a month. It is a great loss for our school.

I felt guilty for causing trouble, but at the same time I was satisfied because he totally deserved it. The door opened as Emilia walked in, she glared at my face before sitting on the chair, she crossed her legs and looked impatient and frustrated.

Emilia: Mr. Gunther, what this kid is doing here? I clearly expelled her from school after the ruckus she created on her first day. (she bites her lower lip while frowning)

Gunther: I believe that Miss Emilia doesn't have enough authority to expel a student without first consulting with the Director and me, I hope you won't forget your position as a football coach. (He says while staring at her)

Emilia: (she bites her lower lip harder) I am sorry….Sir…but…you cannot let a demon like her study in our prestigious school. She has already injured an innocent student on her very first day.

Gunther: 'Innocent' (he laughs softly) Karl?...He has numerous complaints against him regarding bullying and harassments. Just because he is a valuable asset of our school, we have been trying to be lenient, but everything should have a limit. Both Director and I feel that whatever happened that day, Karl provoked the situation, and got what he deserved. (He cleared his throat) and moreover it was her first mistake, so we have decided to give her a second chance, that's why Miss Elizabeth won't get expelled.

Me: (I looked at Emilia and smirked) Thank you Mr. Gunther, I really appreciate your sense of Judgement.

Emilia: B-But…after causing so much troubles, how can you let her go without any punishment? (She feels distressed).

Gunther: (he cleared his throat then puts his arms on his table while his expressions turns serious) Who said that we won't punish her? But expelling someone is too extreme for first mistake. Director has given me the responsibility to decide regarding her punishment. (He stares at both of our faces) So…Miss Emilia, what are your thoughts regarding this?

Emilia: (she tries to hide her excitement) Well…I feel that….She should act as Karl's manager.

Look at this bitch, she is indirectly trying to turn me into Karl's slave, what is her obsession with that brat? Don't tell me, they have some secret relationship. I glared at her but choose to keep quiet and let Mr. Gunther decide. But slowly I was losing my patience, I shook my legs, I wanted to break that bitch's teeth, I wonder how Jules and Victoria handle her….and that feather…what about her? I am sure Julie is being abused by this monster. I took a deep breath to control my anger.

Gunther: Hmm…..that's a good idea. (Emilia smirks, while I frowned) Miss Emilia, I heard you are having a hard time managing the female football team because of internal conflicts and lack of team members?

Emilia: (she hesitates) Y-Yes…why do you ask?

Gunther: Alright then…it's decide. Miss Elizabeth will act like a temporary manager for the female football team as part of her punishment, and help you build the team. Two months later there is interschool women football competition, I want the team prepared by then, if you fail, then both of you will face consequences. (He said while smiling)

Me: WHAT?! (I almost screamed at the top of my voice)

Emilia: WHAT?! (We looked at each other in disbelief)

Gunther: I hope both of you will maintain some decorum. (He frowns)

Me: (I bite my lower lip) Aren't you being too harsh with the punishment?

Gunther: Oh…I thought you are a confident person, and this small punishment won't affect you. (He glances at Emilia) Miss Emilia, please give us some privacy, if you have any complain, we can hear your opinion in our next meeting. (He smiles while standing up) Miss Elizabeth, please follow me. (He says while going towards the door, as I followed him.)

We walked towards the football ground, the classes were still going on, so the ground was empty, he stood in front of the goal post while staring blankly, he seemed lost in thought, he took a deep breath before finally turning towards me.

Gunther: Miss Elizabeth, please do me a favor, and take care of my granddaughter. (There was sadness in his eyes) I cannot watch her dreams getting crushed.

Me: (I looked at him confused) Are you speaking about Julie?

Gunther: (he nods slightly) please don't reveal this to anyone, nobody in this school knows about my relation with Julie, that child was raised like a feather, she is too naïve for handling unfair competition. (He sighed) Please Anne, I am begging you, please help her grow, that child needs you.

Me: I am utterly confused, I don't understand why you are trying to push me into her life. I think she forgot to mention what type of person I am. Look here Mr. Gunther, it would be better if you search for someone who would treat her like a princess, instead of someone who hurt her. (I placed my hands inside my pockets feeling uncomfortable).

Gunther: (he smiles warmly) She needs someone who would make her strong, instead of pampering her. She needs to learn to stand up for herself, and you need someone to share your problems, I pray that both of you grow up together. This is the old man's wish, hope you will listen to his advices. (He pats my head before walking off).

I stood there confused, as I watched his back, I didn't understand why this was happening to me, now I need to babysit a child just because her parents over pampered her and made her pathetic?

To be continued...