

I woke up at 4 AM as usual, went jogging, then returned and prepared my breakfast, took a bath, and got ready, Jules was still inside her room, I knocked at her door but she didn't reply, some moaning sounds were coming from inside, I started getting worried, without a second thought I kicked open the door almost breaking it. And there she was sitting on the floor staring at me with anxious eyes, her forehead covered with sweat as she hurriedly closed her laptop from where the moaning sounds were coming. She cleared her throat while mustering up her courage.

Jules: it's not what you think….(she pouts) It's just porn.

Me: (I stared at her stupefied, I was freaking worried that something happened to her that's why she wasn't replying, but this idiot was watching porn, I felt like hitting her but I tried my best to control my anger) So….you were watching adult content while I was knocking at the door…..(my body starts trembling with anger as I stared in her eyes)

Jules: (she gulped her spit while covering her head) Y-Yes…b-but you cannot hit me. (She hesitates)

Me: (I smiled while patting her head) Of course not…why would I hit you?

Jules: (she looks at me with bright eyes as she removes her hands from her head) R-Really? (She grins) I swear I won't watch porn in the morning from tomorrow, please forgive me.

Me: Of course…(I smirked before smacking her head hard as she whimpers in pain) First lesson of life, never trust someone easily. (I smiled while wiping my knuckle with my handkerchief)

Jules: (she tears up while rubbing the back of her head) EVIL! Ouch…it hurts dude! (She pouts)

Me: I am glad, now you will remember not to waste my time. (I folded my arms while rolling my eyes)

Naomi: (she stands behind me while whispering in my ear) What is going on here?

Me: (my face turns pale as I jump getting scared falling on my face right beside Jules then get up rubbing my red nose) Nothing….(I grin innocently)

Naomi: This is the first and the last time, if you both cause commotion again, I will kick you out. (She rubs her forehead frustrated while murmuring under her breath) Kids….now hurry up and go to school! (She scolds us before going downstairs)

We hurried down the stairs and exited through the main door before she could scold us further. Jules pouted while staring at my face making me feel uncomfortable, I frowned and glared at her.

Me: What? Is there something on my face? (I rolled my eyes)

Jules: (she pouts while murmuring in a low voice) Your impression is already bad…yet you had to ruin my good moment…

Me: (I groaned staring at her) And who was the main reason behind the chaos?

Jules: Bleh! (She sticks out her tongue at me)

Me: (I pull her tongue using my index finger and middle finger as she winces due to pain) Don't you dare try all this nonsense with me.

Jules: O-ouch….jeez! Why are you so grumpy today? (She pouts even more) You even smoked 3 cigarettes yesterday…(she looks at me getting concerned) Did anything happen?

Me: (I gave her a cold stare) No…. nothing. (I sighed as we stood in front of the school gate) Stop watching that stuff, it's not good for your mental health, it will get you addicted. And you are not even 18 years old yet.

Jules: What about cigarettes? (She smiles at me)

Me: Who brings them for me every night? (I raised my brow)

Jules: Who begs me to bring them? (She grins)

Me: Guilty as charged, may as well commit a murder and go to jail. (I smiled as she shivered then shut her mouth). When do you guys meet for football?

Jules: After classes, why do you ask? (She tilts her head)

Me: You will get to know soon enough. (I said while we walked down the corridor).

We were near our classroom when we bumped into a 12-year-old kid with a twin ponytail, she looked up at us and frowned, her expressions were filled with hatred, standing up she dusted herself.

Lotte: Are you blind? (She raises her brow and folds her arms while tapping her feet)

Jules: You brat, are you looking for death? (She pinches Lotte's cheek) I am sure you caused some trouble again, I will complain regarding you to the vice-director.

Voice: Lotte!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!! (a blonde girl around our age with light blue eyes ran towards us, she looked furious, her clothes were wet and she limped due to injury).

Lotte slapped away Jules' hand and then ran past us, the blonde woman tried to follow Lotte, but I put my foot forward making the angry woman fall on the ground with a thud, then kneeled showing fake concern as I extended my hand with a worried face only to realize that she looked like Karl.

Me: Hey…please be careful. (I smiled while helping her stand up)

Christina: (she pushed me away with anger) Mind your own business!! (She turned around and ran towards the direction Lotte went, but by now it was too late).

Jules: Bro! If you want to die so badly, please do, but don't drag me along with you! (She made a nervous expression) First Karl, and now his sister, you are drawing too much attention! (She bites her thumbnail)

Me: Tell me something new. (I said while entering the classroom). By the way, who was that kid back there? Why was she so afraid? (I inquired out of curiosity).

Jules: (she laughs sarcastically) Lotte? Afraid? Both of those don't fit together, Lotte is someone who terrorizes the school, she isn't afraid of even Karl and his gang. (She says rolling her eyes up) She is an annoying brat, you should stay away from that prankster. Now I understand why her father left her….ah…I mean….(she bites her lower lip feeling guilty about what she said) Fuck…why did I say that…

Me: Father left her? What do you mean? (I raised my brow and stared at Jules out of curiosity).

Jules: Lotte….she was around 3….4 years old when her mother discovered that, not only her father was cheating on her mother, he had another family behind their back, he used to visit other countries due to work purposes and fell in love with a woman and that person also didn't know that he was already married and had a child. When Lotte's mother discovered this, he started gaslighting and manipulating her, making her feel that she was responsible for all this, and ultimately abandoned their family and fled to another country. It was a whole mess, Lotte's mother was from a poor family, so she didn't receive much education, she had to earn for her child, so she opened a small stationary shop down the street. Unfortunately the shop hardly gets any customers, she has to start working as a cashier in a supermarket for extra income, and because of this she hardly gets the time to look after Lotte. (She paused taking a deep breath).

Me: And?...come on, tell me. (I bite my lower lip, my expressions were cold throughout)

Jules: Lotte started performing tricks on others to grab their attention, and it is getting out of hand. She is an annoying brat. (She rubs her forehead) You should ignore that attention-seeker, or else you will get into more trouble. Keep away your soft heart and move on, not everyone deserves sympathy, she is beyond help. We have already tried our best, and it was useless, that's why I am warning you.

Me: How did you know so much about her? (I tilt my head)

Jules: It was a huge thing back at that time, and everyone in this locality has heard this story, when we first came here, we heard this from her classmates. They gave us warnings regarding her attention-seeking habits. That's why I am telling you, don't get involved with her. (She sighs while walking in the classroom)

I stood in front of the door while thinking about that child, life has been hard on her, and it was ironic hearing these words from Jules' mouth, especially when you know her history. It's funny, how humans tend to forget their own mistakes and move on easily, they forget the fact that once they were in the same position and needed someone to pull them out.

To be continued....