Season 6 Chapter 5

Me: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! (I shouted at the top of my lungs) IS THIS SOME KIND OF A SICK JOKE?!

I finally lost my shits. It's been like this since two days, the match is around the corner and this bitch is only sitting around and crapping on the team, she has no interest to train us, even in last match, she didn't do any shit. The team gets restless watching me lose my temper, as they rushed towards my side to calm me down while that whore sat on the bench laughing at my face, agitating me on purpose. As my teammates surrounded me, trying to calm me down, I could feel the frustration boiling inside me. I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself, but the anger lingered like a storm cloud ready to burst. I knew I couldn't let this slide any longer.

Emilia: Hey Anne. (She smirks while getting up from the bench) Remember my warning? (She said as she walked towards me and bent towards me and tapped my forehead) I told you to stay away from this team. But you didn't listen to me, now it's your fault that your so-called friends are suffering.

Me: (My jaw hardens and the vein around my forehead becomes more visible because of anger. I clenched my fist and looked at her audacity) Heh! So it's my fault that you aren't doing something that you get paid for?! Unbelievable you bitch! (I said while wanting to stab her. Christina and Choon Hee held me down sensing the dangerous aura surrounding me.) Leave me…..I promise that I won't do anything. (I said while hissing and gritting my teeth)

Victoria: Stop it Anne, come back to your senses. (She says in a warning tone)

Choon Hee: yeah Anne, think more rationally. She is our Coach. (She hesitates while holding me down)

Me: Coach?! Does she even know anything about coaching?! Have she ever tried to train us?! (I asked while struggling to free myself) And you people are trying to calm me? When I have been trying my best to ignore this matter since past few days?? Did your eyes failed to notice how she trashes us, especially our captain? (I said before pressing my upper lips against my lower lip)

Bella: S-Still….w-we should respect her….(She says while trembling with fear)

Me: Respect my foot! (I said finally calming down)

Maria: I agree with Anne. (She said standing beside me as Christina and Choon Hee finally let me go) Enough is enough, there should be a limit to incompetency.

Victoria: Of course you will side with her, after all birds of same feature. (She said with a sarcastic tone)

Julie: Guys, please stop fighting with each other. (She says trying to be the middle person.)

Emilia: (scoffs) It's amazing to watch you people fight against each other over me. I don't even need to lift my finger. (She laughs) Hey Anne. (She stares at me with a smug over her face)

Me: What? (I frowned)

Emilia: You think, you are really great. Isn't it? (She smirks) So why don't you train this pathetic team, yourself?

Me: Have you lost your mind? (I said with a darkened expression)

Emilia: (she stares at her nails for some time before continuing in an uninterested tone) Well I forgot to mention, I am going on a vacation for three days. (Everyone looked at her in surprise) Initially I thought of cancelling it, but now that things have turned to this...(she glances at me) I hope you will take the responsibility.

Victoria: How can you leave right before an important match? (She folds her arms)

Choon Hee: Yeah coach. This doesn't seem fair to us. (She frowns)

Bella: Y-Yeah….I agree….(She said while voicing her thoughts)

Hope: Coach please think rationally. (She insists)

Irina: Isn't it your responsibility to train us? (She urged)

Christina: What type of evil plan are you sprouting now? (She frowned)

Lotte: Bitch. (She murmured under her breathe)

Ratree: Tsk. (She rolled her eyes)

Maria: Drama queen. (She scoffs)

Jules: Are you fucking kidding me?! (She says in disbelief)

Emilia: Don't blame me. Blame yourself, and blame that slut who started all these drama in first place. (She rolls her eyes)

Julie: (she steps forward) Coach, please don't do this to us. I am apologizing on behalf of the whole team, so please forgive us. (She bows her head)

Me: Captain! (I grit my teeth in anger)

Emilia: Pfft, you really think that your apology matters to me? (She points at my direction) Ask her to kneel in front of me and apologize. Then maybe I will think about it.

Me: I won't. (I said stubbornly) I haven't done anything wrong to kneel in front of a witch.

Emilia: Then suffer. (She smiled)

Victoria: Anne….. apologize. (She commanded)

Me: Why should I? (I raised my brow)

Victoria: Because you started this bloody mess! (She shouts)

Me: (I frowned) I won't, apologize. When I haven't done anything wrong.

Victoria: You! (She hisses)

Emilia: Even if you beg me, it's too late now. So take care, this is on your shoulders now. (She smirks)

Me: Fine, do as you please. Because I will do a much better job than you ever could. (I said folding my arms)

Emilia: tsk. (She frowned before leaving)

As soon as Emilia left, Victoria's hand flew through the air, landing a stinging slap across my cheek. The force of it rocked me back, a sharp pain spreading across my face. I blinked in shock, my hand instinctively rising to touch the tender spot where her palm had made contact. Everyone stared at Victoria in shook, as Maria stood before me instinctively to protect me from further harm. I could feel a division among the team members as most of them sided with Victoria in this matter.

Victoria: Anne, you need to wake up! (Her voice was filled with frustration and disappointment.) Is it always necessary to be stubborn and ruining things?!

Me: I am ruining things? Or are you people just spineless fools? Do you think that she would have actually trained you, if I had apologized? She just wants to make us all suffer, and yet. (I sighed then rubbed my forehead frustrated)

Bella: Still, atleast we would have had a chance. (She says)

Irina: This time, I agree with them. Anne, you have fucked up my friend. (She shook her head feeling disappointed)

Hope: I think, we should go and apologize to her. What if she complains about us? (She says getting worried)

Me: You people have really lost your mind. (I said pinching my forehead to calm myself) Stop getting hyper, I will manage this situation, so don't worry.

Victoria: Manage? You got us in this mess, in first place. Do you even know anything about coaching? (She said) Anne, don't put your hands in places that you can't handle.

Maria: Can you people stop blaming her? (She frowns) Enough with your nuisance, atleast she is trying to do something for everyone. While you are busy licking butts.

Bella: You are part of the problem. If you stop siding with her all the time, she wouldn't have done something like this in the first place. (She rolled her eyes)

Lotte: Stop scolding my sis! You bad people! (She shouts while hugging me tightly)

Jules: Yeah guys, whatever Anne did, it was for our well-being. (She protests)

Victoria: You are just siding with her, because of the last time. Jules, you truly believe that whatever she did was right? (She raises her brow)

Jules: I…..(she hesitates)

Christina: I do. (She said before standing beside me) Emilia has always tried to harm the team, and she is still doing it now. And you dumbasses are just letting her win. Atleast Anne had the guts to speak the truth.

Julie: Stop it guys. This is not how a team should act. We all are in this together and should come up with a proper plan. (She pleads.)

Choon Hee: Captain is right, we need to calm our mind and think about it logically. (She insists)

Victoria: Nothing to think it through. I am going to go and apologize to Emilia, whoever wants to come with me, please feel free. (She says)

Bella: Count me in. (She says)

Irina: Hope and I am coming as well. (She says)

Choon Hee: Well, there is no point of doing that now. (She sighs and looks at me) Hey Anne, you must have had some plans before protesting, right? (She asks)

Me: All I can say, whoever trusts me. Meet me near the abandoned football ground at 11:30 PM tonight. I will personally train you all, and show Emilia, that we don't need her in this club. (I said before placing my hands inside my pockets).

Victoria: You seriously think, that we will follow you in your stupidity? (She scoffs)

Me: Its your choice. (I said looking at her) It's funny that you trust that witch over me. I am really disappointed in you, Victoria. (I turned my back towards them and raised my hand) Bye, I will be waiting today at the said spot. (I said before walking off)

To be continued.....