- I'd rather spend some time here with you. - Enchidu said. – Better than vultures out there.

- Hurts a little. - Horus said.

- Will pass. – Inana-Istar said, getting up and going to get a glass on top of a shelf, returning to stand between her legs.

- It's to heal within you. – Inanna-Istar said.

- Ice cold. - He said, while fingers with cream roamed inside him.

Both men after five minutes of sitting, getting up and grabbing a towel from a drawer and going back to the sofa to clean it, caressing your body.

- Let's get going. – Enquidu said, helping him to get dressed, when they left that room, towards the ballroom in the middle of all the businessmen of that party.

Horus Delphos was pacing the hall, alternating between being divided and occasionally dancing with each of his destined companions.

There was a university fund, in the midst of voting an amount among donations that some politicians among the creator, Senator Maloy, among them, involved in an employment project.

- You know I don't do charity, it has to benefit me, so these people come straight out of their colleges then to work on my election campaign. - Deputy Cameron said.

- If we consider it as a kind of financing, which would be a loan, when they finish college, they would be assigned to do an internship in each of the companies involved in paying for their studies, or an internship in the forum and in the court if it is a of the politicians who are funding their studies. Maloy said.

- Thus, we finish our problems, this could fall on taxes. - One of the businessmen said.

Amidst being invited along with your soul mates in the midst of a business meeting, as for a fundraiser.

In which he was negotiating around several businessmen.

Due to the commitment, the help of several vampires, werewolves and demons, he did a restructuring in the company, where he fired everyone involved in the scheme, started hiring demons, firing and replacing normal humans with these creatures.

Around them, in the midst of a pompous party, involved with a circle of influential, rich, politicians, partners and businessmen, who were talking about new businesses, some new undertakings.

Enter when reducing the public debt of another company that was involved in illegal and fraudulent schemes.

Alexander Lenox was never her favorite. There's something about him that's just... weird, but by all means he's a demon, like everyone else, around his business circle, there was Amasteus and a few other businesses, where they were reporting the area. finance, with funds being released for a business investment and job development envelope.

- How is the end of humanity project going? - One of the vampires questioned.

- I left it in the hands of the humans themselves, they are good at killing themselves. - A vampire said.

Even those who are influential, where it was good that they live in different cities and therefore the probability of chance meetings is almost nil, but unfortunately for Horus, they have to meet occasionally.

There are certain events they are both required to attend - and yes, there are times when they have to compete with each other.

Among them were talking about an old enemy who was a villainous old mad scientist who had his schemes thwarted in a financial crisis by having his schemes thwarted amidst denouncing his practices in deforestation, in what he called a bald sulking fool.

Fortunately, Horus learned to hide his emotions early on, so he's managed to keep his apprehension of Lemos fairly quiet over the decades.

Which no matter how much Horus wants to think to the contrary, the old demon Lemos was manipulative and knew how to do business, he always got great opportunities, he took advantage of human ignorance, they both knew that when he didn't like a human, he literally, it destroyed your life, what happened to one of the humans who committed suicide a few months ago, when his factory went bankrupt.

That's how it happened in particular, it was that of a former villain who was a businessman, he was called Luís Silva, in which his manipulative practices, in which everything was just blatant greenwashing, he was literally hunted.

In which one of their dirty factories in the midst of discovering that one of their factories polluted an animal and vegetable reserve in which an ecological center of 1000 hectares, when they could discover the embezzlement of funds, crime of money laundering, in which they began to spy.

Horus, in turn, infiltrated along with Inana-Istar and Enchidu, sending spies, who were diverting their transport trucks when they were releasing and polluting the groundwater of an inland city,

When the three handed over sketches of documents that were embezzled in which an official who was involved in destroying the files, sought out one of their lawyers to get them sued.

When they paid one of the judges to sign several warrants of investigation of the company, they managed to get their various consortiums out of circulation, when they managed to get several employees of their company.

Being that they were involved in retirement diversion schemes in which one of their radioactive energy companies exploded last night, in an inner city they betrayed him, amidst the gossip of the moment.

Some negotiators, businessmen and partners were laughing and bragging in addition to speaking ill of politics and human administration.

Without consumer security, without being fast and without providing security and sales generation.

- With our partnership, we could take down countless companies, generating electric power and developing customer solutions, for the energy transition. – An elf said.

- How would we do that? - Horus questioned.

- Transporting from other dimensions that are being maintained by the mystical force of the beast of the end, since they are places maintained by magic, there would be no way to destroy or deplete the resources, since they are renewed every day, as long as we have an interval to each week so it doesn't run out fast. - Jacques said.

- You just need to transform into a dragon in these dimensions, bring the rains, after all you are the avatar of the beast of the end. – Lemos said.

- Some human and activists along with some companies said that they need to take care of the environment, that they need clean energy that bovine flatulence should be eliminated that they should stop having farms that the ozone bed was literally being destroyed.

- We found a good solution. - One of them said.

- The solution was to bring meat from other magical dimensions, while we would no longer bring work to humans, we would also not have to increase orchards or destroy precious nature, there was no economic growth either.

- As long as we employ only our own, we wouldn't need human labor, they complain too much. – Another businessman said.

- Try to make sure that there is meat and cattle, feed a population that does not stop expanding and growing without cutting down trees to build houses, and creating pastures to plant and cultivate, not even pasture for cattle, you would lead many men to die of starvation, because not everyone eats weeds.

Since the vegetable without pesticides is expensive because it spoils quickly, it needs to be replaced quickly, but human beings do not seem to see this.

So, there is not even a major problem, because it is expensive, because the climate does not help, since it becomes expensive due to climate change, which cannot manipulate the climate, since droughts and floods that destroy crops, there is no cattle, so there is no meat , so there will be no way to feed the poor.

- They don't know, but this planet has an expiration date. - Another said.

- When there is meat, production is expensive, they think they can expand, but they need a place, if there is no pasture, if there is no industry, then they cannot produce.