This event is just what they were involved in was to badmouth another one of more than several schemes in their opinions, in which some humans are easily corrupted.
- These businessmen are being taken out of business because they are running out of resources, when they don't run out of resources, they end up being sued because the products they use are not fit for use by humans. - One of them said.
So, they migrate their areas of operation to developing countries, without the same laws, but they still have the same problems, because if they don't use pesticides, they won't have the plantations.
Then, they will be destroyed by the pests, then, they will not have jobs, developed countries do not have the labor, economic or health capacity to continue with their industries.
At that time, when they continue like this, there will be no one to produce, nor appeal, then they will be without their plants, without their resources, nor their enterprises, those people who sued will not have their money, their livelihood, because will starve to death, because the company that used the pesticides is now bankrupt, so they will either die or become sterile.
So that's where we come in, we will come up with the solutions, all products will be produced to our dimensions then transported.
People who lose their jobs and are desperate and without resources, but needing to support their families, then we come in, we offer them the alternative. – Lemos said.
- Which? – Everyone there wanted to know.
- We offer money for life time, we take 30 years at a time, for every 30 years taken we offer 300 million dollars at a time. - He said. “When the money runs out, they'll come looking for us again. - He said. – So we offer the same values, until we run out and take his life, then due to contracts, we add them to our ranks.
- They are desperate, need to pay the bills and support the family. - Another said.
- We resell this lifetime to rich, influential and politicians. – Lemos said. – Each time we sell life time, we collect the value in favors, tax rebates if applicable, 800 million dollars for politicians and other human entrepreneurs.
They create fundraising parties that are really networking for the elite, thinly disguised as a fundraising event. These people don't care about preserving the land for the native bats, they care about who can lift them a notch higher on the social ladder—
We know about the business of Andrew Carmichael, CEO of the East Coast Land Preservation and Awareness Committee.
Too bad it has become the target of direct attacks by activists who take the jobs of several of its employees, the less humans the less taxes they pay to the government, in reality, we will transport and migrate products from other dimensions.
There is no such thing as clean human energy, it is sustainable, but limited, expensive and has an expiration date, it is finite, when it reaches a point where you cannot take more, due to population growth, there is no way to keep up with this, nor to have energy enough to sustain so many people.
- Due to the winter and the war in Eastern Europe, in which they are having to import gas, so they will have to negotiate with communist countries, which now, even if they cut energy, they will have to go back to using coal, because there is no enough gas for all the inhabitants, the local companies they have, are not meeting the demand.
- So, they will be in our hands, the government does what we want, because they depend on us, we are the ones who bring energy, since they have to negotiate with demons, communists and dictators.
- Years and years of dogs and bats in the shadows while humans kill themselves, let them destroy themselves, let's use this, to take their money, their companies and their resources, in addition to gradually taking their lands, when there are no more resources, we will offer the solution, they will be in our hands,
- When they do birth control, they do it wrong, instead of praising the female sex, they simply throw them away. - One of them said.
So, if they continue to try to maintain controversial birth control, preventing them from paying debts before they are born, forcing women to have children, while others are simply stopping.
Being forced to appeal so that other immigrants from other nations can enter without having damage control, then, the project is flawed, since the inhabitants themselves do not want manual work.
- This is the side effect of a globalized planet that does not respect balance without flexibility, without control of public money.
- Mainly, because their politicians, steal from their own inhabitants, flee to developed countries.
The more a country develops, the less they reproduce, they worry about their careers, there is no manpower for low-level jobs, they literally end up asking them to migrate there.
It was then, when they realized that people from other countries are growing, so they feel threatened, but they don't want to reflect on costs and labor movements, nor integration, aid, so, the more the country is backward the more children they have, the less money they have, because there is no spending control model.
The more labor lawsuits, they are reducing the number of employees due to the amount of work-related illnesses that cause some manual work, so, by reducing the number of employees without labor, they end up closing.
If there is a law that forbids passing on the expense of taxes that are absorbed by the company, then, without being able to reduce the costs of taxes, with the constant request for an increase in wages, where the source ends up drying up.
With all the labor processes, the laws that keep changing to protect workers, create laws without flexibility, this causes the rulers themselves to create laws that prevent capital investments from circulating.
- With that, making it impossible with private investment decreasing at the end of it, due to lack of money and taxes so high that private companies go bankrupt, without controlling expenses, increasing debts.
- In which they cannot continue with so many rules, being relocated to import products with lower costs from other countries, being in the hands of countries that do not have the same laws that prevent the operation.
So, they don't have as many labor rights, the more labor rights, the more strikes, the more expenses, the more taxes, the more rules, so there's no way to support themselves, the company, with so many rules, ends up closing, so that's where we come in. .
We offer the solution. - The demon said. – We offer the services that they don't have due to the rules, they don't have so much cheap product, thus, decreasing the human population along with the employment, we will be the only alternative. - The demon said.
With the text from the senate to the chamber, which cuts and does not innovate or add, without a broad discussion, if you do not control a content base and how to maintain tax collection without a general approach, let alone not invest.
So collecting taxes there's going to be no way to have money to pay without a wide field of power, so if he continues to do that, then the company won't have money, then it will go bankrupt.
Then, the government with no alternative will be forced to export from another country, so, without being able to maintain the negotiations,
With time passing humans are not able to stop multiplying, education and study and culture is not for everyone, they do not include and there is no realization that they can continue to use energy, but they are also not able to keep up the evolution of the work environment, they end up without a job.
It is very expensive, the governments are charging a lot of taxes, year after year, they cannot support the company, keep the jobs, without being able to pay the labor lawsuits, let alone giving rights
Senator Jessica Jamison... – She stole public funds and fled to a third world country, leaving thousands of people without money and jobs.
The money was from social security, responsible for retirement, so there is no way to retire.
With the pressure of the need for government involvement in regulating the impact of large corporations on local wildlife, not realizing that there is no growth without being politically correct, it is not viable, people need to stop having children, to reduce deforestation , because soon he will have nowhere to live.