In short, the order of the Black Lotus that investigated them became aware of this city, saw that they were spreading through every city in the state of Lost Souls, they began to isolate each of the cities by making barriers, preventing them from leaving, but in the end, each one out of the 40 of those cities they were corrupted, so they acted too late.
What was once a prosperous and bright city in rapid growth became cursed, came with them, a group of priests who performed a ritual and in it began to corrupt other residents in exchange for immorality, being immoral.
The most endless desires, from beauty, prosperity, wealth among the promises in which they offered everything they wanted, in return, they would kill every family member and rival, those who were friends and close to them, from this corrupted city, several people killed, those that did not die were corrupted.
Amid contracts with traitorous demons that were won and deceived, then, their contracts confiscated, turned all the inhabitants there into zombies and monsters, then imprisoned, with that, they went little by little until there was no living being left, in a zombie.
When then, they proceeded to the next city, when they began to repeat the act and once more, from city to city, in which they promised them their greatest desires, induced them to commit the worst atrocities that would make a demon reject them and not accept that they went to either heaven or hell.
So, each of those cities when they were isolated and imprisoned in a dark dimension of mists, the inhabitants couldn't leave, but her original followers were hers, they could, the people could enter, but if they were corrupted, they couldn't leave.
So, they had mediators and hunters who sought lost people to feed each of those places, they only had in their intent one more city that would complete themselves like this, the 52 cities of an entire state would then be lost.
Then, the Black Lotus organization made a raid on that city, with a contingent of magicians, they broke the barriers and entered the city, the objective was to go to the center of the cursed cathedral.
Being that they didn't know that the source of the power that kept the pets like giant monsters, in which they didn't release the souls was there, even if they expected it wouldn't be easy, which it wasn't...
They were greeted by giant pink teddy bears, ducks in police clothes, among other animals that weren't so friendly as they were cute, so, casting spells energy balls that were returned, when they went to return, there was a pitched battle. of wizards, vampires, werewolves, priests.
When the allies appeared, which were some angels and demons, against giant stuffed animals that threw spells in their direction, in addition to monsters that were similar to hell hounds, underground beasts that sprouted from the earth, jumping towards their enemies, while giant worms, insect monsters lunged at angels and demons, a few gargoyles alongside the heroes.
About that...
Traveling through a network of underground tunnels accompanied by three monks, including two werewolves and two vampires,
Incredible as the mountains that surrounded that city may seem, it was outside the portals and barriers, in which they roamed the bowels of the earth, between them, seeing that there were canyons, some abysses and fissures, between bridges, that they slithered between worms that they were digging the earth.
Meanwhile, in the distance, between the interior of those citadels, between the caves, between them, scattered cells built on the stones.
They were intercepted before they reached the cells, amidst being attacked by psychopaths in the form of weasels and stuffed panda bears.
The monks charged towards a contingent of traitor priests, among them, as they tried unsuccessfully to reach the cells to be attacked.
When they thought they would not be rescued, in the center of the high, someone jumped with a rope, a man wearing a black uniform with dragon outlines, between an armor that protected him from spells, dodging.
- Get him. – One of the priests ran towards him so he could dodge and jump.
Next, taking a book from the center of an altar and upon a tombstone, then running and doing a somersault over a dog, he picked up a stone, which was there on the pillar, in his rush he threw the stone ray.
The man dodged, jumping towards the monsters, destroying them instantly and breaking, when he used them as shields, freeing the prisoners by destroying the cell's stone bars.
- You got it. – That was Romulus the vampire who was at his side.
- I knew you'd come. – It was Alexander the werewolf.
- Well, it was my mission. – Sasha said.
- Do you know who we are? – Romulus questioned him.
- The lords of vampires and werewolves. – Sasha said.
At that time, they smiled, before they could answer anything else, they were attacked by the enemy priests, in the midst of a wave of magic, in which they dodged with waves of energy being thrown towards them.
- You stole the core. – One of them said, while fighting when several renegade magicians were launching waves of energy and blasts of light in their direction.
- I believe that keeps the nucleus that sustains the place active. – Sasha said.
Before they could say more amid the rush, everything began to shake, as chunks of rock and stone began to crumble and parts of the walls and time to fall on top of them, all around them.
- Let's run away. – Sasha said, to which he opened the book towards his enemies, sucking each one of them into it, they didn't have anyone who wanted to stand in front of him.
- Let's run, go up the stairs. - Another proposed, when they saw that everyone was running without stopping.
In the midst of monsters that were chasing them between the rocks and stones, between the collapse, when then, all of them were running and dodging rocks that fell behind her, which had worms that chased them in which for seconds, they stayed between the bridge that crumbled.
By jumping to the other part and continuing to climb, amidst dodging a precipice that opened up in front of them, in which they ran towards a stone staircase that crumbled and crumbled, amidst jumping stone steps, some people skidding.
Even though she was caught at the last moment when everyone went up, while being chased by monsters, zombies and worms, closer and closer to the surface.
At that time, it was when they approached the sun's rays, to run and pass over guards and came face to face with a pitched battle that was postponed, because it was the save yourself who can, running.
It was when Sasha opened the book and sucked the monsters into the book, running from there, leaving some zombies and monsters, Sasha then broke the stone by stepping towards the ground, leaving the barrier and the city, when they saw with a jump and in a breath.
At the last instant when a wave of red energy and a huge claw like a gigantic red demonic hand took over that entire state sucking it through what felt like hell.
- So, managed to imprison the traitors? – They shouted as they turned around when they saw the entourage of priests from the Order of the Black Lotus council waiting for them at the border of what was an abyss.