- Gandar Priests . “The one who spoke was Romulus.
- So saved. – Gandar said, approaching. – The book, young Sasha.
- Right, priests. - He said.
- It's not a souvenir, the stone, young Sasha. - The priest said, taking the stone.
Then, with a wave of his hands, he opened a portal. – Let's go to Lovecraft County, straight to the headquarters of the Eternal Tower. - He said.
- After all, how did you know when we would leave that city? - Sasha questioned, when they arrived in the city, going up the elevator to the meeting room.
The priest turned to him like a worm, rolling his eyes. – You forgot that there is a monitor, as well as a tracker and digital mapping via satellite, just because she is cursed does not mean she is off radar or satellite monitoring. – A representative said.
- I forgot that part. – Sasha said.
So, you are my destined companions. – Sasha turned towards the two around her.
- How did you know, some power? - Alexander questioned him.
Sasha rolled her eyes like the priest had, seconds ago.
- You were irresponsible, incompetent and impulsive to enter with everything without thinking about the headquarters of the enemy organization. – A priest said, towards Romulus and Alexander.
- If you didn't do that, you wouldn't be able to destroy it. Romulus defended himself.
- We already had plans in that regard. – The priests said.
- There are photos, monitors, reports, and they started telling me about you when I turned 18, you have mediators, in addition to a solid base of business models and shareholders and entrepreneurs who know about you and described me before I went to your ransom. – Sasha said.
Now, let's talk about business and developments in our organization. – Amasteus arrived in rooms with lawyers and executives with board members. - Let's start our meeting. - The blue demon said.
When everyone sat around the table, to settle business.
- We managed to dismantle the scheme and organization on two fronts, at least this one in question, we will not have problems since they are being taken to the dimensional prison. - He said.
- Okay, can we talk? – Romulus asked him as he accompanied him out of the room.
- Where? – Sasha questioned him.
- Let's go to my mansion so we can talk. Alexander said.
He thought they were pretty fast, he soon thought it could be those two if they did well.
- Do you agree to have sex with us? - Alexander questioned him.
- If you do well, there may be a next time. – Sasha said.
- Well, that's what we expected. Alexander said, pulling him with them, urgently.
So, they went to solve it, with many results, he barely left that meeting, when he was approached and surrounded by the two immortals, they had business that could not wait, which was to take her virginity, imagine that, being taken towards mansion of each of them, the force, using pheromones, making him with aphrodisiacs, biting him hard and sucking his blood.
Being pushed towards the carpet, his clothes ripped without waiting for him to take them off.
- Do not tear. - He tried.
- We bought others. Alexander said.
- Let's see if we can do it again. - Romulus said.
So there he was, being torn from his clothes, urgently.
- Let's prove a point. Alexander said.
Amidst being pushed on her back with her legs spread, when he had her legs spread out holding them towards the air, the first while sucking, between her legs, with his mouth on her pussy pussy.
Enter while sucking her pussy, sticking his tongue inside her, thrusting with strength and speed, while Romulus was between her legs, doing a good job, Alexander was at her side, taking her clitoris and sucking it, massaging her testicles, with force and speed, from tip to base, in the midst of scraping his teeth around his length.
- Now, you're mine. - Romulus said, with each beat, amid the thrusts in and out, Sasha was feeling the rings of muscle around his cock.
At the same time, Sasha felt every vein of that huge cock pounding in and out of her, slapping skin against skin.
Sasha didn't know who was making him hard in less than ten minutes between a near orgasm, in which he felt waves of pleasure, which enveloped him with her screams, high and squeaky.
At that time, he felt the beat inside her, licking his testicles, with strength and speed, in the midst of an orgasm in less than ten minutes of sucking, that hot tongue around his penis, which was hard without letting it soften. , amidst the pumping, as Romulus knelt between his legs, between the in and out strokes, fast and hard and deep, with powerful thrusting motions.
He knew where to hit.
- Where... - Sasha questioned between screams.
"Here..." Romulus said, with a smile, amidst the knocking in and out.
The vampire needed no encouragement, he was like a jackhammer, amidst the overwhelming power he used it seemed to impale him, hitting the bundle of nerves that had him screaming and moaning and gasping when he never missed that sweet spot. to make him see blank, in the midst of feeling the waves of electricity that ran through his body, never stopping hitting the right place.
That's how Sasha felt absolute pleasure, when he had his first orgasm, in the midst of coming in Alexander's mouth, roaring and growling.
At that time, without stopping to beat, was when Sasha felt the orgasms closer, in which he in less than ten minutes after the first orgasm, felt a new power inside her, which grew, with one orgasm followed by another tightening around her. of that penis, which, to her surprise, didn't go soft, even though he was cumming inside her, without stopping beating in and out, with strength and speed.
Every one of the moves, with the deep thrusts where he slammed his testicles into her ass, with every slap of skin against skin, never missing and never stopping hitting, was like a jackhammer.
As Alexander continued to suck on her pussy, amid thrusting his cock, when he didn't know it, he had lube in his hands, enveloping his cock, inserting inside her, slamming in and out of her, pushing and pulling without let him get used to, amidst the movement of his pelvis, skin-to-skin slaps.
In the middle of her last orgasm, in which Alexander let go of her clit between releasing her pussy, pushing Romulus out of her, barely leaving, already entering her, in her wet heat with thrusts of his pelvis.