- Well, we have news. – They said when returning from the laboratory with DNA tests.
- We called him, to say what we discovered. – They did.
The writer, arriving at the police station, listened attentively.
- We found your daughter, but we have unwelcome news. – They did.
- Which? – He questioned him.
- Like most bodies, a part of the body is missing, it was a body without a head and without the right arm, we found the right arm, but we did not find the head.
- Several of the other victims are missing bodies. – They said, with their daughter, they are dead, for more than 1 year. - They said.
At that time, in the spirit world.
The women and foetuses that had body parts that were missing then, now, were in one piece, wearing their long dresses, but even so, those foetuses and other body parts that were of women occupied the form of formed women, wearing black clothes. , long dresses were like spectres, elongated shadows, between women that looked dark.