- We will be your jailers. – They said, before his dead body fell towards the ground, his soul was pulled towards a hellhole.
About that.
Since it came from a series of clandestine hospitals, they didn't have to throw their babies in the trash, but as there were a series of complaints in that area, they found bodies and more bodies of foetuses, which didn't even go beyond 7 months of gestation, which discovered these body parts.
They would never find the other bodies, since they were missing and the woman was crazed and catatonic, trapped motionless in a hospital bed.
Since important parts were missing, such as the head, or arms, sometimes they didn't even find anything other than arms preserved in chloroform, at least the terror of those women was over, but the bodies, including one of the arms, remained to be recognized, according to the DNA tests . were from Suzana Hopkins who was the prostitute, nurse and