One of the greatest writers of crime books and Slice of Life, dramas between real cases, was celebrating the release of his latest book.

Partying with his wife, who recently got out of her depression.

According to his wife, who needed to spend time with her mother, she seemed thinner, her husband saw their ten-year-old daughter, he was worried about her, due to the wave of murders in the city that was taking place, he was in the track of the murderer, collaborating with the police.

He had been waiting for some time for news of some contacts with the whereabouts of Doctor Blood.

About that.

He was at a party with his superiors to promote his book.

People like his guests, in addition to several businessmen, among editors, dressed up, among a ballroom.

In his happiness, yes, he managed to publish, in addition to having his millions of copies sold.

At that time, the police, without warning, arrived at his party.

- So, did they? – He questioned him.