- He was everything to me. - The woman said.

- If he was everything to you, then why didn't you take care of him? - The boy questioned him.

- He died of a heart attack. – The woman reminded him.

- Do not touch me. - He said.

He is angry, and turns the family against his own mother. He said.

How can you say such a thing, he started turning everyone against his own mother, all because of money.

That was the trigger, he himself starts a conflict with his family.

As for Alexandra, who also claimed that her mother is responsible for Norman's death, he just had a heart attack when they did an autopsy.

They were considerably apart, the conflict, between Beverly living alone in her house,

She has friends, Beverley invited the couple to move in with her, the children involved in envy, she couldn't do it alone anymore, if she needed to, without Beverly's insistence, Candance and her husband are especially, Adelaide, a friend and cousin.

As for Alexandra and several other people in the family, before the fight, he always used a lot of money from Beverley , because without Tifany 's help , they didn't have money, they couldn't even stand up, they started to fight, to make matters worse, he turns to his mother-in-law, to Candance didn't like the fact that Beverley was talking to him.

The family broke up, all because of money, they wanted money, after the family started lashing out at Beverley , she stopped helping her children financially.

As the weeks passed, the conflict did not lessen with the coming of Thanksgiving, an elderly woman was unable to reach one of her friends.

I tried to talk to her, I knocked on the door, I didn't find anyone, I went around, I saw that everything seemed to be in order.

The neighbor called the police who went inside when they knocked and there was no response.

So, I looked at the wall it looked like blood, then, I thought this is paint, I took a few more steps, on the floor, clearly dead, there's no way it could be alive, at the end of the corridor, there is a second and another discovery.

Search the door and the rest of the house, the cops searched the house, and found two bodies in the bathroom.

A triple homicide on Thanksgiving, a brutal and violent crime, skull fragments, blood, that flew two meters.

The amount of blood was enormous.

Leaning against bathtub, leaning against room, sustained head injury.

Defense injuries, same weapon with skull fragments.

It looked like a hammer, in his 12 years as a police officer it was the worst heinous, violent and brutal crime scene,

Aside from the bodies, little evidence was left.

Changed clothes before leaving the house

I conclude that it was not cool the victims were wearing pajamas, all the attacks took place at night

We collected evidence, which we took to the laboratories, which in addition to doing the autopsy, in which we concluded that during the analysis they saw a blood stain, right in front of the door, it fell when the door was closed, we will take it to the laboratory let's bag.

A window of opportunity, they were used 48 hours after the bodies were found, the last time the cell phone was used, and numerous evidence was found.

When the police searched the place, in which they saw, that with the neighborhood in the middle of the night, when they saw a white car, a car was a sedan.

They saw it during times when she wasn't visited.

When the police were investigating the area, they were leaving from the house of a woman called Gortz , who belonged to the daughter of the deceased, in which they saw several books on serial killers, Alexandra said that it was not his, but belonged to her car. boyfriend.

So, Alexandra said that a lot of people drive the car, so the suspects have increased, so when they take the car to investigate.

The detectives return to the crime scene, so police headquarters have been contacted by Amasteus.

- Who is he? - One of them questioned.

Loki Jotun 's insurance company Jotun . “They said, apparently someone contacted them wanting to know about the deceased's life insurance while we're investigating. - A policeman said.

We found Beverly's insurance policy she changed from her three children to her daughter's ex-husband. – The policeman said.

- That would be a perfect motive, killing someone to collect life insurance. – The policeman said.

What is not lacking in this case are perfect motives. - One of the police officers said.

After the police found the dead bodies of three people, including Beverly's, then the police started asking about the policy, insurance, trying to complain to the insurance company, but because José doesn't care on his own.

According to the insurer, it does not cover murder, if it proves that a relative killed him, the policy has a case that annuls it, unconditionally. – The policeman said.

"I believe they didn't know," he said. – The policeman said.

- Apparently, they started filing a lawsuit. – The policeman said.

Detectives try to locate the beneficiary, they're discover they discover he's incarcerated, at Flodis State Prison .

- What was the cause...? – The detective questioned him.

- Tax evasion. - The other said.

He stole money from a company he worked for apparently they are not able to support themselves. - The detective said.

They had phone records, they had calls, Beverly provided money to friends for them, she sent packages with groceries, she provided money, it was like a mother and son relationship.

I spoke with a lawyer, everything goes well, I send money. – They saw the recordings.

Anyway, she decided on her own, she made it clear that she was giving away her money, and other people's, but the police, who can't cut it out of the suspects he was under arrest, couldn't have done.

With the ex-husband of the daughter discarded, since it was not proven that he sent someone to kill, but they did not find evidence.

She had recorded messages from her mother , who had long messages full of long and hateful messages, hearing a mother say this to her own daughter, she made bulletins, leaving an account that it was conflicts that her daughter was harassed.

The daughter herself made complaints, they lied and quarreled.

The investigators invited Alexandra for an interrogation, she arrived with a plastic bag that had 2 cell phones, which she thought she found inside the house, after the coroners did the expertise.

They were the phones of another daughter, Pamela, in whom I have the cell phones and chargers of the victims who were murdered.

The daughter had some receipts, for some purchases made at a local grocery store, on some receipt the daughter of the elderly woman had handwritten the time when her mother was killed.

We don't know when the mother was killed,

The daughter's behavior arouses many suspicions.

Was the daughter behind the triple homicide.

The detectives in charge of the investigation now suspect a family member.


They get an important lead, the bank clerk called, I have something that might be of interest to you.

They wanted to find out how much money they had in booty, where they knew they had the money.

Both Brad and Alexandra, who discovered money, and slammed their hand on the table, wanted to withdraw, but were denied.

He hated his mother, wished and spoke that his mother should be dead.

Investigating the new lead, they went to Brad's workshop, they start by asking about the drama, he claims it has nothing to do with the homicide, he said, he hadn't been inside the house for months, although, they were living, he thought that they would prey on her, then steal.

Detectives ask where he was during the week, he said, that he headed into town, although police are suspicious, they still expedite the DNA test, hoping the results indicate that Brad's DNA was on the handkerchief. , when then, they went to find the DNA, but that was the handkerchief with the blood of Michael Rancem, who had lived there for a month, it was, linked to his own son, Brad, who, then, when he was arrested, thanks to the test of DNA.

That dreadful Thanksgiving Eve, he parked the car of another granddaughter who ran around the back, climbing into the jogger, when he surprised her and realized that she was busy sorting through his father's possessions.

As for Ragnar, at that time, he was involved in another case, it was at the request of Um-Mu's organization, due to numerous

Lake Brian is a city located an hour from Los Angeles, in Riverside County, which is an hour from schools, being a residential center.