If the woman said it was there, she said it did.
Now, we have kit that wrote the letters.
Around 1990 I took Barbara Sanctumm and I raped her, then I killed her by strangling and beating her, we have a third person who comes in and says they did it.
When the police said, even if it wasn't receptive, they sent them when we contacted each of the Point Brown police stations, in which first I want to say that this is all a lie.
How are we going to prove this to be true.
A beloved gentle force handed over numerous evidence, it was a witness or someone good.
So how were they proved...
- The lawyer's over there. - Someone said.
- My client was willing to take responsibility, never ever in 40 years, he asked me to convict him, he wanted to be convicted, he said, he got the wrong people.
He would have some credibility with the others.
Where he met Mrs. Beneti, she had little money, that's when I went there, so I went into the bar, it's called YE-Du .
It was on 188, Portland Oregon, in Miage , when I walked in there, a girl came over and gave me a hug, that was Vanda.
In less than five minutes, we were then chatting, having drinks, playing pool and meeting kit.
I said what she wanted.
I'm hungry. - She said.
Do you want to have dinner with me? – He questioned her.
She accepted.
He brought her to a brick house, I asia to enter the house, she said, then, that she wanted to enter, she found me in the corridor, I held her, I kissed her on the neck, she made a comment... – Come on, finish it soon that. - He said.
At that time, that's when I killed her, then dumped her somewhere on the Dune highway.
I went close to where you stand in Groind Point, so I picked her up, went with her, I dragged her down the hill, threw the walkman
They didn't recover the bag, nobody knew where it was, it was well below the ravine, I can take you, show them and take me to show you where you threw it, I threw the bag very close to the river, since it was on the side of the bush.
That's where it was.
So, it was enough to start making a case.
He was able to show a few months later that Kit was indeed a murderer, then came to the conclusion that by finding the bag he was a serial killer.
Why she did it.
- I am the only child of Laverne , Pablinack , she has been married for 26 years, to my father, they bowled and went out to lunch on Saturday, he left, she was left without ground, she did for a good time, she had a relationship with this John, Hutt , he threatened her all the time and said he was going to hurt them.
When she wanted to do it in a way that didn't embarrass her daughters, in her mind, she wanted to get rid of him, I had to tell them, that I had done it, because they wanted to let her out, not to hurt her.
After Laverne Soslovic and John Hutt from prison, kit pleaded guilty.
So, back to the Delphos mansion, at that time, accompanied by Loki, in which
Ragnar in turn were with Amasteus.
- We made a deal. - Amasteus said.
Since that man was sentenced to life imprisonment, he would not leave prison alive.
So one of the problems was solved.
- Now, with the purchase of shares, we will stay with Kit's company, he signed a contract before being sent to the federal detention center, passing the rights to you to do whatever you want with his company. - Amasteus said.
- Well, nothing better to stay with the company as a prize for winning something for giving good advice, I see it as my payment. - Loki said.
- At least something came out of good after your manipulations. Ragnar said.
About that.
Somewhere else.
Eastweek , East of East Hearth Fort.
Beverly Hortz and Norman Hortz were Ragnar and Loki's partners.
As for Beverly, who was one of those people you wanted around, she was a strong character, in her seventies, she found a thing digging the garden, so they had moved to a country house out of the center, in the middle of to a luxury condominium, after years of work, of course her husband was still travelling, he had a company, a partnership with his two boyfriends.
Look, that's it, it was Brad's.
- Did you do it? - He questioned him, while digging the garden.
Beverly's husband would do anything for her, he wanted and had always gone in search of everything in his workshop, he was the builder, he worked with real estate, his empire was and still is a luxury building builder, in addition to business.
According to what they said, Loki's company and insurance company was charging a millionaire amount to maintain the insurance of these two since they are over 70 years old.
Recently they were talking with Loki and Ragnar.
- The change of will, the woman said, in her office.
- I hope it's not too soon. Ragnar said.
- Neither did I, a few years ago. Norman said.
- Then sign the papers. Ragnar said.
So, they said goodbye, leaving there.
He was dedicating his spare time to making sculptures and handicrafts, in a private workshop, wooden decorative objects, and a Tansu .
It was very important to take care of the family, with his own hands, he had supported the family.
He was an 80 year old man, he had been through everything in his life.
Their two daughters were coming, with their family, they loved to get the family together,
Their two children, Alexandra and Brad, the daughter was always the more independent one, people liked her often, they defended each other they were tight-knit siblings.
Alexandra, who can count on her husband Jose and her independent daughter.
He worked all the time, to support the family, luckily, he couldn't, his career never made him rich, he had to ask his mother-in-law.
He was a great cook, she liked Jose a lot, whenever she could, she helped, all the advice on fashion came from her granddaughter, Tifany , she wanted to study makeup and become a professional makeup artist, for the time being, she lives with her parents.
With free time, Brad has left his time in his father's workshop.
His father promised to put him in the will when he dies.
Brad's father was everything to his son, he didn't have a son, his life revolved around his father.
Those happy days, all the family living close by, they always get together on Sundays, not every dinner was perfect, today granddaughter Alexandra, who was radiant, but the same could not be said of her parents.
Money was a reason for a fight between the two, they fought with it, in the midst of tension.
They are involved with their intrigue, but do not notice the problem, with the father, but for this family, it is about to get much worse, five days later, Brad stops by the house to visit his father.
He fell to the floor, across the hall, he saw his father falling, when Norman died, Brad was very upset.
The unexpected death of the patriarch leaves everyone devastated, when they did the burial, they went to read the will, facing the mourning together.
It was on that day when the family got together, when Amasteus was called to settle everything, at the reading of the will.
At the reading of the will, when the lawyers went to read.
Mr Norman, in his full capacity, grants all properties and his assets to his wife, Brad would not be the beneficiary of the inheritance.
Beverly decided that she wasn't going to give any money to her children.
Greed went to the head of the son, who at that time, visited his parents, went to stay in the workshop, he isolated himself, after his father died, he was very angry.
- Someone has to take care of daddy's things, since you don't. - He said.