Searching for the Bear

The paths were rocky, but that was to be expected. Ally's Trail had been officially shut down for decades now. The last time any sanctioned work was done up here was about ten years ago. Copycat serial murders began mimicking the horrors that triggered the Three Shots riot.

Victims were locals from Northton who had to commute to Middletown. Jobs had become scarce and the economy was slipping to the point where a loaf of bread cost a day's wage.

At first the disappearances were brushed off as accidents, victims of the recession. Immigrant families were hit the hardest so it placed a heavy prejudice on reports. It wasn't until families of law enforcement started to go missing that any attention was given to the events, setting in motion a series of investigations called the Potter Park murders. Named so after the numerous nameless and orphaned souls never able to return to their families.