Helping Those in Need

The group was shocked. They immediately thought the worst. Their bodies were already on high alert but to come upon a corpse was never good in this state of emergency.

"Double tap! Double tap!" Mortimer exclaimed in a panic, looking to Jon expectantly.

"What?!" He turned to Morty in concern.

"You have the bat!" Came his retort.

That -- that was fair. Jon swallowed hard, gripping the handle of the bat tightly. He swore to himself he wouldn't hesitate in these sorts of situations. It was an unrealistic expectation, really. There would come a time he couldn't run from the responsibility.

It seemed that time was now. It came too soon.

Nathan shook his head. "Didn't we just get through talking about how we can't abide by comic knowledge?"

Jon and Morty were puffed from their shared anxiety. Jon had already wound up, pulling the bat over his head while Morty cowered behind him. When their eyes lit up it became apparent that neither had the shared brain cell at the moment.