Not All Zombies

Paul found himself at an impasse. No matter how he looked at it he would have to either risk busting his ankles jumping or getting his knees broken by this angry guy. Was he one of those zombies? The smart ones? He thought it was weird, but didn't give formal thought to the matter. After all they all had this stereotype as to what zombies were, what they could be and what they were capable of. This seemed to exceed that logic, even blast it out of the water. If he had to compare it to anything it was like -- anime! Where zombie girlfriends was a reality and there was a real chance you could just become some super half zombie revenant! He didn't want to become revenant anytime soon though so would place his hands on the lip of the wall bordering the roof. The wall was chest high, for him anyway, as it helped prevent people from accidentally tumbling over the edge.