
Should I or should I not?

The flowers swim in the river, flowing away to their destination, other petals following each other.

Jangmi sighs, plucking out the last and final petal left.

I should. She scoffs, a chuckle leaving her lips as she stands up.

"These petals are not going to decide my future." She shakes her head at herself, letting her feet drag her to the living room.

The instant chatter surrounds her as she exhales, her eyes searching for someone familiar. Her claret red dress suffocates her as her feet tightens around the golden high heels. She shifts in discomfort before walking over to her parents.

They didn't even tell me what we are celebrating. She purses her lips, having an internal conflict if she should go and talk to them or just leave soundlessly.

"Jangmi!" She hears her name tumble out of someone's mouth. The said girl turns around, her chestnut eyes finding the hazelnut ones.

"Hey." She forces her lips to form a smile but it seems they don't like being told what to do because they curl down as the person jogs towards her.

"You don't seem like you're enjoying the party. You love parties!" Pushing her shoulder, her friend furrows her eyebrows.

"I don't even know what we're celebrating, Rina. How do you expect me to enjoy it?" Jangmi sighs, just wanting this party to get over.

"Is it because my brother isn't here?" Rina wiggles her eyebrows at her, making Jangmi snigger.

"No, god. Please." She shakes her head at her antics.

"You and Minseok are disgustingly cute." They hear someone chirp from behind them. The duo jumps and looks for the culprit.

"Really Siyeon?" Jangmi signs with her fingers, exhaling.

"Sorry!" She smiles, gulping down the drink from the cup she was holding. She topples over as Jangmi and Rina hold onto her arms in panic.

"How many drinks have you had?" Rina stares at her in dumbfounded disbelief as she signs with her right hand.

"Five? Six? Seven? I don't know!" Siyeon laughs, her white teeth showing. She waves her hands around, "Weeeee!" She jumps, almost tripping if it wasn't for Rina.

"I'll take her home." Rina bids her farewell to Jangmi as she takes a hold of Siyeon. Jangmi waves them goodbye as they leave.


Jangmi trudges towards her father, soundlessly tugging on his arm. Her father, Suhyeok, turns his attention towards his daughter.

"C-can I talk to you? It's important." She fiddles with her rings. Suhyeok nods, letting her lead him out of the living room to the garden.

"What is it? You look quite worried." He notices. She shrugs before heaving a sigh.

" I have decided what I want to do.." she trails off, not wanting to look at her father's face.

"Really?" His head snaps up, "so you will be an agent?"

Jangmi shakes her head, internally thinking if she should stop this.

"No.." she frowns, her lips staying as they were before, tainted with red lipstick.

"I want to be an idol." She gazes at the flowers as they fight against the wind.

"What?" He scoffs in disbelief, shaking his head, "Jangmi, I thought we discussed this already." He says, "we can't let you do that." He denies.

"Why not?" A new voice interrupts making the oldest amongst them jump as Jangmi smiles.

"Why can't she be what she wants to be?" Slinging her arm around Jangmi, with a frown.

"Minji, stay out of this." Suhyeok says in return.

"Why? I can't support my own daughter?" A scoff leaves her mouth as she laughs in disbelief.

"You didn't trust me. At least trust our daughter, Mo Suhyeok." The man flinches at the use of his full name.

"Anyone could hear you!" He hissed, looking around, frantically.

"You think I care about that? Let her be an idol. " Minji turns towards Jangmi in her forest green dress, as she holds her daughter's shoulder.

"You can do whatever you want. You don't have to follow our path, okay? I will always support you," She smiles, sparing Suhyeok a glance before saying, " unlike someone."

She raises her eyebrow at her ex-husband before leading herself and her daughter inside, leaving Suhyeok in the garden, full of distress.