Jangmi's phone chimes as she takes it out, leaning against the pole near the bus stop.
Are you coming for the shift at 4?
She types back her answer.
Yeah. Is everything alright?
She couldn't understand why she was feeling so anxious.
I don't think people even come here for flowers. They just want to insult someone.
Jangmi furrows her eyebrows in worriness.
What's wrong? (Jangmi)
Everything. People just keep insulting me because I'm deaf. I don't think they know I can read their lips. (Siyeon)
Who was it? (Jangmi)
Many people. Yiseul (Yislut) (who we know is a gold digger, why in the world would she want something as precious as flowers??) That one boy who wouldn't leave me alone. (Siyeon)
I think his name is Shiryu or something.
Shriyu Choi? (Jangmi)
Yes! That one and another girl who's name I can't remember. (Siyeon)
Jangmi screenshots the names before sending them to her uncle. If her uncle was in a good mood, they would be lucky he would only make them apologize otherwise, they'll come with broken
Have fun. She hits the send button, standing up straight when she hears the familiar honk. Her ride has arrived at last.
Jangmi adjusts her black skirt with white strips as she climbs onto the bus, searching for someone.
"Jangmi! Here!" Her eyes snap towards the source of the sound. There she was, her best friend in pigtails with red ribbons. Jangmi's lips curl up as she walks towards her.
"Jihu." She breathes out of relief. Jihu, in her white t-shirt with a black jacket and a striped tie, takes her purse to let her best friend sit down.
"You look so good today!" Jihu chirps. Jangmi chuckles, shaking her head.
"We're wearing the same outfit except for the hairstyle." She comments.
"Doesn't matter! It means we're twinning." Jihu says in a singing tone.
"We're going to school." Jangmi laughs.
"So? We can still skip chemistry!"
"Okay, that we can do." She agrees. "Could you wake me up when we reach?"
"Sure!" Jihu smiles, her bunny teeth showing.
Feeling someone shake her shoulder, Jangmi's eyes flutter open. She holds back a yawn, stretching out her arms.
"Let's go!" Jihu jumps down. Jangmi gasps, running towards her, following her down from the bus.
"Jihu! You could've slipped!" She hits her shoulder. Jihu looks at her with a cheeky smile evident on her face.
"But I didn't, did I? Let's go!" Jihu intertwines their fingers as she makes them run through the hallway, towards their lockers.
Opening her locker, Jangmi notices something peeking out of one of her books. Perhaps, a note?
Her mind wanders to the first person who comes to her mind when she reads it.
I'm picking you up today. - M.S
"Ooh! Is that a secret admirer?!" Jihu's crisp voice snaps her out of her trance.
"What? Oh no," Jangmi lets out a small laugh, shutting her book with the note inside it.
"Is what I'm hearing true?!" The booming voice makes the duo flinch in surprise. "Ms. Bae has an admirer?!"
"No, Junseo." Jangmi turns around, shutting the locker as she leans against it.
"Yes she does!" Jihu answers at the same time.
" Who is it?!" He jumps up and down, slinging his arm around Jihu.
"It's anonymous." Jangmi lies, shifting her eyes around the hallway, looking for a way to escape them.
"Oh, look!" Jangmi points behind them, "there's a squirrel!" She exclaims, intertwining Jihu's fingers with hers as this time, the latter getting dragged by her best friend.
"What! Where?!" Jihu jumps, wanting to look behind. Jangmi sighs, shaking her head as they continue to run.
"There's no squirrel." She hisses, halting as they reach their class' door.
"There's no squirrel?!" Jihu falters, her pink lips forming a pout. Jangmi sniggers, pinching her cheeks as she thinks Jihu looks adorable.
"Oh wait. Your crush is not here." She frowns, pointing at the seat.
"It's fine. I'll just stare out of the window." The girl purses her lips as they go to their seats which were quite far from each other, unfortunately.