
The merger was finally approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission in December 1966 and was completed on February 1, 1968.

"Steve, I also want to acquire a medium-level novel publishing house. Can you tell me which one is suitable? It should have its distribution channel at least in the USA." I said while looking at him.

"Ok, I will let you know" Steve said.

After that, I leave.

2 days later I met with Steve with my lawyer Robert and signed the contract and transferred $6.4 Million worth of cash and stocks to the investment company named Pearse Investment.

(The $4 million came from Michael selling company shares. Put mortgage on the House and the commercial building for $1.2 million. $1 million of shares & cash from inheritance.$ 200k from winning money from a horse bet.)

In the next 7 days, I will go to Horse Tracks and bet. There are around 5-6 different horse tracks situated in New York and New Jersey available. I earn around $100000 in a day from horse betting.

I earn around $1 million from horse racing within 10 days.

Yesterday I got a call from Steve. He wants to talk to me about the investment and the publishing house.

I told the receptionist that I have an appointment with Steve and I came to the office.

"Hi, Harry, how are you?"Steve asks.

"I am fine. And what about you?"I replied.

"I am fine. Let me introduce you to him. He is Mr. John. He is a specialist in mergers and acquisitions of companies. I have already briefed him about the condition of the company. So I leave you with him "Steve said while leaving Mr. John and Me in the meeting room.

"Hi, This is Harry," I said while extending my hand.

"Hello Harry,I am John Smith. I work at Lehman Brothers."Mr. John said

"Did Steve tell you about my requirements?"I asked John

"Yes. According to your requirements these are the companies that are suitable to a buyout.''Mr. John said while extending a file.

There are 6 book publishing house details available in the file.

Lanester Books was a New York

Mac-Bar Corporation was a New York

Circular-Pyramid Books was a New York

Bellimont Books was a New York

Acese Books New York

Abcsc Books New York

According to the system these publishing houses are near bankruptcy.Finally I have selected one publishing house.