
According to the system these publishing houses are near bankruptcy. Finally, I have selected one publishing house.

'Lanester Books is already in the process of publishing a book without authorization from the author and lost the copyright lawsuit in the future and causing bankruptcy for the company. MacFadden-Bartell Corporation has the liability of $12.9 million and total assets of $9 million. I can buy some of its assets after the bankruptcy. Pyramid Books is already in the process of acquisition from another company and if I also bid it only increases the price of the company. So finally I chose Bellimont Books publishing house.'

Belmont Books was a paperback publisher founded in 1960 by Roger Elwood and Robert Lowndes. The company was based in New York City and published a range of science fiction, fantasy, and horror titles, as well as western and romance novels. In 1969, Bellimont Books filed for bankruptcy and ceased operations. After the bankruptcy, the company's assets were sold to Tower Publications, another paperback publisher.

{NOTE:- Many people are thinking why I chose a book publishing house, not the film studio because the market value of a film company that has a distribution channel around the USA is $25-$30 million. It is way out of the budget MC. MC doesn't have any prior knowledge of running the business. He is an ordinary person.}

"Can you tell me the reason this company has a bad performance?"I ask John.

"According to the information, the operation of the company is fine but due to previous good sales of the books they took huge loans from banks to establish a printing press and establish a branch in another country. But when the sales of books go down then the burden of the loan causes trouble. "John said while looking in the file.

"According to our information, the total assets of the company is around $7.45 Million and liability around $8 million. The company is already in the market for acquisition. If we pressure the company from the bank we can acquire the company for $100000 but you have to acquire the whole $8 million of liability."John said.

"You start negotiations for the company and when can I visit the company? " I ask.

"I will propose the company acquisition on your behalf and let you update the company situation. I will get you an appointment for the company visitation."John said.

After some discussion, I left the office and came back home.