Holyfield City

{Total Number of Players in Holyfield City: 512}

After 6 hours since Unity was launched, more players finally started getting the rules to pass the entry test as more players entered Holyfield City. In no time, the city was already filled with more than 500 players.

This turned Holyfield City into a vibrant world of football psychos.

Everywhere, you could see an NPC or a player walking with a football.

Despite more players that came though, those that finished the entry test first firmly held on to their level advantage as they dominated the others.

The casual aspect of Unity was interesting, but after being addressed by Harmony, literally every player who finished the entry test set their sights on becoming pro players through the elite team trials.

They all worked hard on leveling up.

Every few meters, you could see players engaging in a deathmatch as they tried their foot skills, shooting their balls at each other while dodging as they aimed to kill their opponents and get more experience points.

Not all the players were foolish enough to stay solo though.

The same way that Endrick and his newly discovered clique saw the importance in becoming a team, other players also saw it and created their own teams. By now, there were already dozens of teams in Holyfield City.

Besides, there was not only one way of getting XP in Holyfield City.

There were myriad ways to get XP in this city.

In a busy district in the city, a lot of NPCs were gathered around a loud-mouthed NPC who attracted a lot of attention.

"Who dares to challenge me?"

"I am the best at juggling the ball, my juggling skills are unmatched".

"I put 3000 XP on the line and my high-quality Special Ball on the line".

"If you have the guts, challenge me and also place your stakes".

Team Brazil Best saw this but they decided to ignore it. All of them knew their limits, football was still something new to them that they were just getting accustomed to, they were not ready to take risks yet.

Most especially when these risks could affect their teammates.

"I can win". One of them suddenly said.

The others paused as they turned to look at him.

Endrick did not flinch. "I can win". He stressed. "After the test, I unlocked a level 2 player skill, Basic Ball Control which increases my juggling skills".

"Other teams which came after us are already exceeding us due to meeting an NPC that provides a challenge that fits some of their attributes. With their special balls, they easily blaze through these tests to get XP".

"Since we don't have an advantage like this, we can only resort to this".

Though the others badly wanted to refute, in the end, they trusted him.

"Hahaha! Someone actually dared to challenge me!"

"Good, good!"

The NPC laughed arrogantly. "Place your wager".

Endrick took a deep breath and clicked the green screen. He placed his Stun Ball as the wager but it was not enough. He placed his player skill along but it was still not enough, in the end, he had no choice but to ask his teammates for help.

Legion and Maria202 also had to place their Special Balls on the wager.

Before he entered the NPC's stage, Legion walked towards him. "You better win or else…" His eyes gleamed. "I will kill you".

Endrick shuddered as his blood instantly ran cold.

For a strange reason, he felt that Legion was serious and could really kill him. 'The f*ck! What kind of world is this to throw the kill word so nonchalantly?'

'Is he an assassin?'

Despite Legion's threat, Endrick did not back down. Though in his previous life, he didn't have the talent of legends like Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar and the likes, he still trained for all his life to master his basic football skills.

Despite the fact that his new body and most especially the limitations of his game avatar held him back a bit, he was still confident in his profession.

'I won a World Cup Afterall, what is a juggling contest that I can't win?'

Feeling his confidence, Legion finally let him enter the stage.


Bam! Bam!

The rhythmic sounds as the ball hit his leg reverberated repeatedly as Endrick engaged in a juggling contest with this NPC.

Another NPC counted for them.

"47…, 48…, 49…, ohhh, you fail!" The NPC said.

The NPC who brought up the contest had a stunned look on his face, he turned livid as he turned to look at his contestant who was still juggling his ball.

Endrick flashed a cheeky smile at him.

"51…, 52…" He flicked his ball up, caught it and ended the contest.

"I win".

{3000 XP has been transferred to Team Brazil Best!}

{Team Brazil Best has received a high-quality ball: Click to open!}

Maria202 clicked the box filled with rainbow colors.

Instantly, it burst open, exposing its content.

{Pneumatic Ball:}

Speed: 8

Weight: 7

Quality: High

Damage: 13

{Passive Ability: High Speed!}

>High Speed: +50% additional ball speed<

{Active Ability: Air Projectile!}

>Air Projectile: When activated when the ball is kicked at an opponent, apart from the normal base damage, this ball can create a projectile by means of air pressure that can not only give additional damage to opponents but can also push opponents back and out of position in a football game<

"Holy Sh*t! Endrickdinho, you're so awesome!" Maria202 gushed.

The other players in the team were also happy as the experience points was shared among everyone in the team.

"Since you are the one who singlehandedly finished this NPC mission, I think you should take the ball since we already benefited with the XP".

No one objected and Endrick was not polite, he took it.

Legion observed him secretly. 'This guy, how is he so proficient with the ball?'

'He juggles so naturally like he's been playing with it for decades'.

His eyes narrowed. 'Who are you?'

After a few more team missions, Legion finally discovered a mission where he could shine. This time, Endrick was amazed.

Faced against the level 10 NPC goalkeeper, out of 10 shots, Legion was able to score an incredible 8 goals, showing his skills as an elite striker. In this aspect, Endrick feared that Legion was even better than him.

'Holy Smokes! Such killer instincts in front of goal!'

'And he's just touching a ball for the first time in his life!'

'This kid, what is his true identity?'

While they worked hard to level up, a game announcement finally came that a team finally fulfilled the requirements to access the lowest-ranked stadium, Estadio do Arruna.

More announcement came as 2 more teams fulfilled the requirements. At the 10th hour since Unity launched, another announcement lit up.

{Congratulations to Team Brazil Best for fulfilling the requirements needed to access the Estadio do Arruna!}

They wasted no time in visiting the stadium.

On entering, Endrick confirmed that there were not really much special elements about it. Perhaps the most important thing about the football field in this stadium was the fact that it was only big enough to fit 5 players in both sides.

'These guys don't really think only 5 players are required to play a football match right?'

'I hope at the higher planes, things improve'.

Since the elite trials wasn't starting yet, they returned to the city to farm for more XP. This way, 2 more hours quickly passed.

During this time, 13 more teams fulfilled the requirements.

This was when a different announcement lit up.

{Requirements to kick off the Elite Team Trials have been met!}

{All qualified teams are to report to the Estadio do Arruna!}

{The elite team trials will start in an hour!}


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