The Bogeyman

Estadio do Arruna…

{Congratulations! You have leveled up!}

{You have become a level 5 football player!}

{810/10,000 to level up!}

{You have unlocked a Special Skill: Electricity Shot!}

>Electricity Shot: When activated and a ball is kicked at an opponent, opponent is affected by electricity that stuns and dulls his reflexes, decreasing his chances of dodging the attack by up to 80%. +40% Electricity Damage<

>Electricity Shot: When activated in an attempt to kick a ball at the goal, up to 3 opponents can be affected by electricity and stunned, increasing the likelihood of the ball homing into the opposition net<

{NOTE: The ball that you receive after the entry test depends a lot on you, your personality, physique, and outlook on life and football. It also determines your progression path towards becoming a lethal footballer.}

After becoming level 5 players, Endrick was not the only player to unlock a Special Skill, every single player in his mini team also unlocked Special Skills.

At this moment, he was not paying attention to that though since he was already standing alongside his teammates in the Estadio do Arruna.

The elite team trials was about to start.

At this moment, 80 players from the roughly 500+ in Holyfield City were gathered here. These were the best of the best that were sieved from the rest.

Endrick only recognized a few of them like the cyborg, Ultron, but one thing he found common in them was that they all seemed like formidable opponents.

"My name is Coach Luiz Vicente".

His voice attracted the attention of the 80 players who were currently gathered in this stadium. On looking at him, Endrick's face turned weird as he instantly compared him with someone that he knew from his previous life.

This man who identified himself as a Coach wore a pair of black trousers, accompanied by a black turtle neck inner shirt and gray blazers covering it.

His bald shining head finished it. 'This guy…, is this Pep reincarnated?'

The man paid no attention to Endrick's inner thoughts though. "I am the coach of the Brave Wasps elite football team, one of the newly created elite football teams".

"I will be in charge of the elite team trials". His voice was stern.

"The 5 men behind me are also coaches from newly created Brazilian elite football teams, we will determine if you have the potential to become professional footballers of our elite teams".

"In essence, we hold the power over your future career as a footballer".

The players turned their focus to the 5 other men who watched them.

"Do not mistake it, we are not NPCs".

"We don't have a similar player identity mark above our heads because we're not necessarily footballers, we're rather coaches".

At this remark, a new green player identity appeared above his head.

{Player: The Bogeyman!}

{Profession: Coach!}

"I think that is more than enough to tell you our reason for coming here. Without further delay, I will tell you the format of the elite team trials".

"The elite team trials is divided into 4 phases corresponding with the 4 stadiums in Holyfield City. For now, you only need to know about the first phase since it will take place today in the Estadio do Arruna here".

"I call it the 5-man team test".

"I believe you already read the rules about the basics of football. You are only allowed to touch the ball with your legs and body, touching the ball with your hand during play is prohibited".

"In a football match, you win by scoring more goals than your opponent. When the score is a draw, the team who dealt the most damage wins".

"Also, in a football match, every player have only 5 revive chances".

"If you are proficient enough to kill a single player 5 times, you are one step closer to success since you have handicapped the opposition team by making them play with a player less".

"Of course, if you also kill all the players in the opposition team 5 times before the game time elapses, you also win".

"In this 5-man team test, all 16 teams will be pitted against each other in lethal football games lasting 30 minutes, 15 minutes in each half of the game".

"All you are required to do?"

"Show your skills before us, rise a head above the competition, show your talent either as a defender, a midfielder, or a forward and increase your chances of getting contracted into one of the newly created Brazilian elite teams".

"Of course, the goalkeeper will be an NPC".

"After the first fixtures, the 8 winning teams will automatically progress to the next phase of the elite team trials".

"The 8 teams that lost will be pitted against each other again, the 4 winning teams after this will rise a head above the 4 losing teams".

"Again, the last losing 4 teams will be pitted against each other. The losing 2 will be disqualified automatically".

"As for the 2 winning teams from the last fixtures, they will be placed alongside the 4 winning teams from the 2nd round games".

"The 2 teams with the most damage points from all 6 teams qualifies".


They were shocked but the bogeyman gave them no room to protest.

"The draw to determine the fixtures will be determined now".


A huge roulette with 2 pointers was suddenly projected in the air, all 16 team names were written on the roulette.

"The 2 pointers will be spun for 10 seconds".

"The 2 teams that the pointers end on will be a fixture".

A few dozen seconds later, Team Brazil Best got their fixture.

{Team Brazil Best vs Team Oracle!}

A few minutes later, all the fixtures were drawn.

"You have 30 minutes to rest and make your team strategies".

The Bogeyman suddenly smiled. "You know, not all the teams from this phase will be qualifying to the next phase of the elite team trials".

"Only the best 10 teams will qualify in line with the rules I already explained".


Instantly, the stakes of this trials rose up a notch, the pressure increased.

5 minutes later…

At the stands of the Estado do Arruna, Endrick and his 4 teammates sat as they discussed their team strategy entering the trials.

Maria202 spoke first. "I've read a lot about Unity even before it was launched, so I know a lot about the game and the rules".

"For a trials format like this, we need 2 defenders, an anchor midfielder, and 2 forwards. With my Flower Ball, I am the best candidate to be the midfielder".

"In that position, I can control the game and throw accurate passes".

"So, which position would you guys like?"

"I'm a forward, I'll play on the right wing". Endrick was quick to speak his thoughts, then he focused his attention on the others.

Pedro scratched his green hair. "This is my first time playing this game of football, I don't know much, I think I'll stay more conservative".

"I don't want to drag the team down and since being a defender seems to be the most conservative option, I'll be one of the 2 defenders".

"What of you, Antonio?" Maria202 turned to look at him.

"I'll like to be the 2nd forward…"

Antonio60 paused as a cold gaze turned in his direction, he shuddered.

Legion remained nonchalant. "I'll like to be a forward".

"Ahh…, I'll be the 2nd defender then".

The manner in which Legion seized the forward position made the atmosphere awkward, but Maria202 was quick to react to offset the atmosphere.

"If that's all, let's do some practice to familiarize more with ourselves then".

While they played a demo match on the pitch, time moved fast and in no time, it was already 30 minutes.

The elite team trials was finally starting.