
Xiao Li entered the car and looked at Du Lixin, yeah she could see clearly what was in bus eyes. God, this man is a beast.

Du Lixin glanced at her and started the car. While driving, he kept looking at Xiao Li with full lust in his eyes, she knew the kind of torment she'll face when they get to his house.

Du Lixin increased his speed and in few minutes, they were already there.

He hurriedly came down and didn't even wait for Xiao Li to do the same when he carried her in bridal style into the house.

The maids gasped when they saw how Du Lixin carried her, some were still surprised while some were blushing seriously since they understand what was going on.

"Young Master is really impatient." One of the maids whispered.

"I can see it clearly." Another said still blushing.

They got to the room and Du Lixin dropped her on the bed then locked the door. Immediately he turned, Xiao Li was already in front of him, she pulled him closer and kissed him. It surprised Du Lixin but he didn't hesitate to respond to it, maybe she wanted him too.

Du Lixin carried her, crossing her to legs around his waist, she wrapped her hand around his neck as they continued.

Du Lixin carried her to the bed and quickly pulled his shirt, removing his belt, Xiao Li didn't him finish before pulling him for another round of kisses. Du Lixin smiled at the way she acted, this was what he has been waiting for, the day she'll finally want the every bit of him and here it is, the day is finally today.

Du Lixin removed the sleeves of her shirt, unbuttoning it, he removed her shirt and smiled at the sight, she was wearing nothing under her shirt, seems like she was even ready than he was.

He slide his slender index finger down her neck then to her wrist, feeling her smooth skin.

Xiao Li said with heavy breaths. "Du Lixin."

Nope he wasn't going to give her what she wants yet, let him torture her for a while.

After sliding down her wrist her back, he continued with the lips before going on to her neck, he knew her weak point, it was her neck.

He played a little with her neck and ears making her beg even more.

"Du Lixin please."

Du Lixin chuckled, this girl was petty, he hasn't even gotten to the part she was supposed to beg and she is already doing it half way. Well, more torments for her.


The next morning, Xiao Li laid on the bed peacefully sleeping. Du Lixin was already up but he couldn't get up since Xiao Li was resting her head on his arm.

He smiled when he remembered what happened last night, the way she begged was really funny. Since she acted like that last night that meant she has actually falling for him and he couldn't help but love her more.

The one thing he wanted was for her to fall in love with him and he could see it working.