Chen Gao is here

Du Lixin got up and went into bathroom, few minutes later, he came out of the bathroom and went downstairs. He asked the cook to make something for Xiao Li.

After a while, the maid brought in the food and gave it to Du Lixin. He placed it on the table and sat on the bed, close to Xiao Li.

"Sweetheart wake up and have something to eat." Du Lixin softly said.

"I'll eat later I'm really tired now." Xiao Li grumbled.

"Okay just sleep a little, make sure you wake up early, you need to eat something to gain some strength." Du Lixin said and got up. "I'll be off now, I need to attend to something at the company." He bend down a little and gave Xiao Li a peck on the lips. "Call me when you get to school."

"Mm take care." Xiao Li softly said and continued sleeping.

Du Lixin chuckled at her reaction and left the room.

Few minutes after Du Lixin left, Xiao Li's phone rang. It was Cheng Hua.

Cheng Hua's voice hurriedly came in. "Xiao Li you need to come to school right now."

Xiao Li sat up straight. "What is it?"

"Chen Gao is here." Cheng Hua said from the other line, she was also surprise.

"Why when, hope he hasn't done anything bad?" Xiao Li asked.

"No he just came here saying he was looking for his girlfriend Xiao Li and now everyone in the dormitory is now whispering and saying different things about you. You need to hurry up now and I think you should bring hero with you cos you cannot do this on your own."

"I'll be right there." Xiao Li hung up and opened her call log to call Du Lixin but stopped. "He will be busy right now, I don't want to disturb him with my problems." She said and dropped her phone then went into the bathroom.