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"Xiao Tou!!! Why haven't you been contacting me? F*ck, don't tell me you're so stupid you don't even know how to use a communication pearl?"

"Aiya, all you have to do is bring it up to your forehead, the power I left in you will do the rest of the work. Mortals these days, they know so little…"

"Haish, am I really going to have to wait until you figure out how to use Qi to communicate? F*ck, this laozhi doesn't want to wait two years."

"Stupid little head, use your little head and bring the pearl to it, aiya, what a nuisance. You're lucky this laozhi can't come back right now, or I'd beat some sense into you."

Di Tou's left eye twitched as he was barraged by a wave of reprimands. Hey, hey, it was Mu Di Bai who didn't explain that how to use the communication pearl, alright? It wasn't his fault he didn't know!