Overwhelming a Kiddy Pool

Di Tou couldn't help but lick his lips and look regretfully at his fingers. If he had known how good the oxtail was, he wouldn't have been willing to waste a single drop of the golden ambrosia that had leaked out of it, much less let it dissipate with the wind with a cleaning spell. What a tragedy.

But looking at the small mountain of oxtail in front of him, Di Tou couldn't help but feel his mood improve. Anyways, it was just one oxtail, and not even the meat at that, just some excess juice, he could afford such a loss, after all he, Di Tou, was going to be a landlord soon! Hahaha!

After gloating about being a rich man, Di Tou immediately went back and suckled at the oxtail as if it was a lifesaving straw, in the end, no matter how rich he was, that was nothing compared to the delicious food in front of him, manners be d*mned.