Losing an Old Friend

Waking up a few hours later, Di Tou couldn't help but blink his eyes in a groggy state. Pushing aside a piece of wood that was resting on his collarbone, Di Tou stood up and glanced around the room. At some point unbeknownst to him, the sun had fallen and darkness had encroached upon the room.

Of course, due to the Divine Eyes resting in his sockets, Di Tou could still see clearly in the darkness, but he couldn't help but feel a little confused. Earlier when he had been studying, he had completely lost track of time, and after falling asleep, he had further lost a few hours.

Now, looking around, Di Tou wasn't sure what time it was at all. Stretching a little and standing up fully, Di Tou couldn't help but grimace a little at the pieces of dust and wood alongside ripped sheets falling to the ground around him. Looking down at his feet towards the tattered halves of the bed, Di Tou didn't know what to feel.