Side Effect

Picking up the slip and tentatively looking at the information for the Grand Yin Star, Di Tou couldn't help but hesitate for a moment before putting the slip back down. Forget it, his mind was already feeling too fatigued right now, he didn't think he'd be able to figure out those complicated formulas and calculations to discover a new star right now.

Instead, Di Tou thought for a moment before moving over to where the remains of the bed were and picking out the smaller bits and placing them into his Spatial Bag for now, before moving the two large chunks and dragging them over to the side. Moving back to where the bed used to be, Di Tou lightly patted the floor a little with his hands to get rid of some fo the dust before sitting down cross legged.

Thinking for a moment, Di Tou pulled out the formation for adding pressure to his Spiritual Sense and placed it on the ground next to him and started it up.