
With a dark expression, Di Tou looked at the remaining meat and glowered. This… was this fit for humans to eat? But in the end, Di Tou could only grit his teeth and pull out a jar of honey and slightly slather it over the top of the meat it, and swallow it in begrudging bites.

Alright, he had killed a rabbit. He'd feel bad if he took a bite of it, spit it out, and then left it to burn. Although he wasn't a vegetarian, he still felt it was right to only take what one needed. Hunting for food was alright, hunting for sport… while he couldn't say it was wrong, at the very least, he personally wasn't interested in partaking.

Finishing the last of the rabbit, Di Tou held back a slight gurgling feeling as he quickly rinsed out the taste with another sip of plum lemonade. Slightly gagging, Di Tou shook his head and took out a piece of dry ration, and quickly scarfed it down. Although it didn't taste great, it mostly just tasted like nothing.