A "Rich" Potential

Before long, Lee Mang and the village chief returned, although Han Mu heard them before he saw them. 

From afar, he heard Lee Mang cursing in amazement, and a shallow thump as the village chief fell down to the ground, "Im- Immortals! Great Immortals have blessed my Gentle Wind Village! Hahahaha!"

Excited, Han Mu ran over and began chatting with the duo while helping the village chief up onto his feet.

Roughly twenty minutes later, the great waterfalls in the sky began tapering off before outright disappearing, and after waiting another ten minutes for the mist to clear, the three men saw that where the acrid, dry, and unfarmable land once stood there was now a large pond that spanned roughly two hundred meters in diameter that was nearly perfectly circular, with the few defects coming from the land shifting as the water fell.