
Returning back to his abode, Di Tou sat down on a comfortable reading chair and splayed out a few pieces of paper on his desk. Taking notes, Di Tou began writing down rough ideas and drawing a basic diagram as to how he could overlay a few formations to start the barebones version of his sweeping formation. After working for a while, Di Tou finally finished. Pausing, Di Tou looked at what he had just done and couldn't help but let out a surprised look. Leaning back in his chair, Di Tou stared at it with a complicated expression.

It had only been a year. And yet, look at him. He was writing and drawing a complex diagram that would have looked like gibberish to him just half a year ago, and if he was on Earth, he might just be complaining that the movie directors were st*pid id*ots, making such obviously contrived and fake props. But here he was, drawing them out himself, and they made sense!