Grasping At Threads

Watching the spider go, Di Tou suddenly felt a surge of inspiration, but before he could delve further into it, it started fading away. Trying to gasp at it, Di Tou pulled at threads in his head. Spider… cocoon… nest?

But in the end no matter how hard he thought, the little bit of a solution that seemed to have appeared in his mind for a moment faded away, and Di Tou was still left with no idea as to how he could implement or solve the problems in his theoretical formation. Letting out a sigh, Di Tou shook his head and stood up, accepting that it wasn't meant to be for today. No matter how close he felt like he was, as long as he hadn't taken that final step, then he wasn't there yet.

Right. As long as he hadn't finished the final step and crossed the threshold, all the improvements he made could be considered null.