New... Innovation...?

Naturally after delaying the caravan for three days, Wang Ku Mang had to leave soon after. After all, family was family, and work was work, one couldn't just give up four years of hard work in a week to spend more time at home, right? So, after confirming Di Tou was indeed a fool and not up to no good, Wang Ku Mang provided a few more incentives and told his two mothers that the batch of wine that they had produced the year prior had been excepetionally popular and sold for a high price, and so it was only reasonable that he paid them more as well!

These two hard working women, they wouldn't take chairity from their son and were happy enough supporting themselves, but if they were told that their hard work paid off and it was well appreciated by nobles and merchants alike… how could they not happily accept the praise and reward!?