
Team training Part 2

Wenger folded his hands on his chest and watched quietly from the sidelines. His brows frowned. The game was not to observe the starter team but the substitute team.

The main observation targets were Arteta and Gervinho.

Arteta's performance contributed a lot to the team's stable midfield. On the other hand, Gervinho's performance was a bit unsatisfactory.

Wenger wanted Gervinho to be a winger.

He felt that Gervinho had a speed comparable to Bale on the wing. But so far, his performance had been unsatisfactory.


At this time, it was the starter team attacking.

Rosicky passed the ball to Arshavin, and he turned around to pass the ball to the withdrawn Van Persie to complete the transition.

But when Arshavin passed the ball, a human wall appeared in the middle of the pass.

In Arshavin's field of vision, a yellow-vested player suddenly broke out in the form of a tackle, hooked the ball with his toes, got up during the gliding process, took two steps forward to stabilize his body, and then quickly passed the ball to Arteta.

At this moment, everyone, including Arshavin, was stunned.

They have to admit that this interception was beautiful.

The sliding interception, coupled with the destruction of the interruption of the pass, brought the starter team's offense to an abrupt end.

"It's this guy again!" frustratingly said Arshavin.

Wenger on the sideline was also stunned for a moment, then he turned around and asked, "Has anyone noticed how he got there?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked at a loss.

Their job was to focus on Arteta and Gervinho, not Kai.

How did this guy get there?

Lucky's interception caught the starter team off guard, while Arteta quickly launched a counterattack after receiving the ball.

Arteta's sense told him that this was an opportunity.

At the same time, Lucky did not run forward but ran to Arteta's position to defend.

He has a clear understanding of himself.

Now he can't adapt to Arsenal's fast passing and dribbling, so running up to attack will add to the chaos. It's better to stay and defend.

The ball had already entered the penalty area due to the brilliant play of Arteta. But Chamberlain who received the pass, hesitated too much on the ball and was dispossessed and soon cleared by the opponent before he even had a shot.

The ball flew towards the midfield.

Due to how deep Arteta and Bayonne were in the opponent's half, the midfield was vacant.

Walcott judged the landing point and ran over.

The ball was getting closer and closer to him.

But as he was about to stop the ball, there was a whistling sound in his ear.

The next second, Kai appeared.

He jumped high to head the ball out of bounds and bought time for the substitute team to retreat.

Lucy's feet landed on the ground, his chest heaving.

The two defenses exhausted him.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Le Kai in astonishment.

Two consecutive defenses.

One interception, one header clearance.

The most important thing was why Kai was everywhere.

Even Alexander Song, on the opposite team, slapped his thigh and murmured, "Damn."

As the same defensive midfielder, he knows how difficult it is to achieve Kai's actions.

Unless there was a luck factor, Song felt that he couldn't do such a clean and continuous defense.

It has to be said that Lucky's two defenses directly suppressed the starter players' flow.

Even the coaching staff on the sidelines looked at each other for answers.

"I know what happened."

The coaches turned their heads in unison.

Physical coach Tony Colbert said: "He didn't participate in the offense, but took the initiative to defend Arteta's position."

"He knows that there is a gap there, or in other words, he knows that if the substitute team's offense is unsuccessful, then Arteta's position will become a defensive gap, so he prepares there in advance." Tony Colbert said, "He has a good game sense."

Immediately, he scratched his head and said, "There are also talents in judging placement and ball path."

After speaking, Tony Colbert looked at Wenger.

Wenger nodded to his analysis.


In the field, Patrice, who was the referee, blew his whistle.

He turned his head and looked to the coaching staff with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

He knew very well what kind of deterrence Kai would put on the defensive hub of the midfielder.

"Good job!"

Arteta ran back and patted Kai on the shoulder.

If it wasn't for Kai's defense, according to the offensive ability of the starter team, they could have been trailing.

Kai smiled, hit Arteta's chest with his fist, and said, "Just run forward. I will take care of the defense in the midfield."

Hearing the words, Arteta froze for a second and then showed a bright smile.

Having a defensive midfielder partner who is enough to make him feel at ease was wonderful.


Kai's defense manoeuvers caused the midfield to be dominated by his team.

Arteta and Lucky.

One offense, one defense.

The two cooperated extremely tacitly.

And under the performance of Lucky, he gradually began to receive the passes.

He knew that this was a sign that his teammates had begun to appreciate him and give him trust.

As for the passing of his teammates, Lucky was cautious.

He knew his ability to hold the ball was not very good, so he hardly stuck to the ball. If he chose to keep the ball, it was two touches at best.

The main target of his pass was Arteta, after all, he was the playmaker.

And once Arteta was unavailable, he chose Bayonne.

Anyway, one of these two people was always near him.

Under such circumstances, Kai played well and fully integrated into the substitute team.

On the other hand, Chamberlain's performance was subpar.

Less than 20 minutes into the training match, Chamberlain was sweating profusely.

The pressure from the starter team's defense and dissatisfaction with his performance made him extremely anxious.

He was running with his mouth open, feeling the rapid loss of physical energy, but his heart became more anxious.

As for his good friend, Le Kai has gradually gained the trust of his teammates and has even faintly become the hub of the defense.

And he did nothing.

He needed to perform; he needed to score goals.

Chamberlain is like a bull in the forward position, constantly pressing.

I must score!

All ears were filled with the sound of passing the ball, and no one spoke or shouted.


Wenger also frowned on the sidelines.

The atmosphere was not right.

Everyone was playing ball but refused to communicate.

This sentiment mainly flowed from the starter team and affected the substitute team.

He looked at Van Persie, the captain, hoping to rectify this error.

But Van Persie did not.

Wenger looked at Arteta again.

Arteta was also very quiet.

He was a little helpless. Arteta was a quiet player. He rarely yelled on the pitch. This was one of his characteristics.

But Arsenal needs voices to get rid of this annoying silence.

But no one stepped up.

Wenger raised his head slightly; the sunlight was a bit dazzling.

But even in this hot weather, the training ground seemed covered by a dark cloud.

Chamberlain fell.

He failed to catch Arteta's pass.

He was lying on the grass with his fists clenched tightly.

If possible, he hoped to lie down like this forever. He didn't want to continue anymore.

He played...too bad.


Everyone looked on quietly and waited for Chamberlain to stand up.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous shout.

"Get up! —"

Everyone heard the shout and looked forward.

Near the middle circle, they saw a boy in a yellow vest, shouting with an angry face.

" Get up! Idiot! Do you think it is right to give up after the training we have been through? Are you going to give up this opportunity for a moment's failure? Stand up! And show them what Oxlade Chamberlain I made of!"

Lucky's voice was loud, especially in a quiet stadium.

For a while, no one dared to speak.

Looking at Chamberlain still lying on the ground in defeat, Lucky became even angrier.

" Stand up! Don't make me beat you!"

Coming closer to the now-standing Chamberlain.

"You want to score goals? " Le Kai said.

Chamberlain whispered, "Yes."

"You have to communicate. We have started training recently together and then placed in a team with a different dynamic. We have to communicate our desires audibly." Kai said loudly for the other teammate to hear.

Chamberlain determinedly said, "Yes! "

Le Kai patted Chamberlain's shoulder and said, "That's the spirit."

After speaking, he noticed that the place was quiet.

Everyone was staring at themselves in a daze.

Regarding that, Le Kai turned to Arteta and said, "Is there a problem?"

Arteta came back to his senses, raised his eyebrows, and said, "No problem! You did a good job!"

Le Kai turned around and looked at everybody else, and muttered something in Chinese: "Hopeless"
