
Performance Assessment

The match resumed, perhaps because Kai's speech had a little effect.

The substitute's team started to become vocal in their game play. Of course the most vocal became Chamberlain.

"Give me!"

"I am open!!"


Goalkeeper Szczesny looked at Chamberlain with a bewildered look.

It was hard not to notice Chamberlain increase in performance after that stern talk. But it has to be said that the substitute team was so engaged by Chamberlain's example that they became more active in communication.

Gervinho turned his head and teased "I know you pumped but if continue with such energy, you will tire."

Scratching the back of his due to embarrassment, Chamberlain sheepishly apologized.

In return Gervinho waved him off with a smile.


On the side-lines, Wenger and other coaches nodded their heads in approval for the improved communication . However, their eyes were more on Kai. Especially Wenger.

There was an inexplicable light in those wise eyes.

Before, he hoped that someone would stand up and raise up spirit of the team to improve the atmosphere. But this person is definitely not Kai.

Although it was a good attempt, Le Kai's speech had a little effect, after all, he was just entering the first team.

The substitute's team reflected a bit mainly Chamberlain, but the main team remained the same.

However, it was a bit unexpected for Lucky to make such a decision. He felt that he needed to pay more attention to this Chinese player. Maybe, this guy can give him other surprises.


On the pitch, Le Kai looked at Chamberlain and nodded his head in encouragement.

He then wiped his sweat and looked at the main team.

The gap between the main team and the substitute team was substantial.

Although Lucky was putting a defensive masterclass, they still scored two goals.

The speed of Walcott and Arshavin gave him a lot of trouble.

Relying on their is speed to forcefully avoid him, even though he knew how the other party was going to break through, he couldn't keep up.

Overall, the game revealed one of weaknesses he has being working on. The training session were quickly called off. The data collection was over, and there is no need to continue this game.

Result wise, there are good parts and some unsatisfactory parts.

But in the end, this was a not-so-great training match.

"I am disappointed."

Looking at the Arsenal players in the two rows in front of him, Wenger said with a serious face; "I thought you would be able to survive this difficulty strongly, but what you showed me was bowing your head toward the difficulty."

"No cooperation! No tactics! Not even communication!"

For this reason, many people, including Van Persie, bowed their heads and showed embarrassed expressions.

"I don't want to see such a thing, I only give you two days, hurry up and adjust your state. Dismissed."

After finishing speaking, Wenger led the coaches away, and they needed to go to the tactics room for data analysis.


[Tactical room]

Seven coaches including Wenger were seated.

Assistant Coach and Technical Coach, Patrice.

Chief Team Doctor, Colin Levin.

Goalkeeper Coach, Gerry Payton.

Goalkeeper Coach, Lehmann.

Strength and Conditioning Coach, Tony


Facility Manager, Paul Johnson.

This was Wenger's coaching team, of which Patrice, Gerry Payton and Colin Levine were the core members who have been with Wenger for more than 20 years.

First, the fitness coach Tony Colbert said, "The two players who ran the most distance were Ramsey and Kai."

The first sentence made everyone raise their heads slightly, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Ramsay's physical fitness is extremely abundant, after all, this guy has won the Welsh Ironman Championship.

However, they didn't expect a newly joined signee to have a physical reserve that rivalled Ramsey's.

Wenger also looked at Patrice.

The one who knows Kai the most here is undoubtedly Patrice.

In this regard, Patrice shrugged, "My training volume, you know, and he completed it every time."

Everyone was silent, which explained the question.

Lucky's physical fitness was indeed the at top of Arsenal at present.

"Next is the shooting data, Van Persie, Walcott, Arshavin, Gervinho, Shamacher."

For Chamberlain's shooting data, he didn't mention it, which was obviously average despite his exuberance.

"In terms of stealing and intercepting data, the best performer was Kai."

The place was quiet again.

This is the second time they have heard this name.

"Six steals and four interceptions!" After speaking, Lehmann said with a smile; "It is worth mentioning that Song's stats were two steals and two interceptions!"

Everyone moved their bodies slightly and looked towards the data panel.

So Lehmann also generously placed the data paneldirectly in the middle of the conference table for others to watch.

They clearly saw the stealing and interception data.

Lehmann remembered it in great detail.

When, where and how to tackle or intercept and the follow-up processing after stealing and intercepting, it was magical.

In conclusion, Le Kai was the defensive star of the training.

Wenger nodded slightly and said, "What about offense?"

He directly inquired about Kai's offensive stats.

In response, Gerry Payton smiled bitterly, "No, the only time it was an offensive pass was Arteta just standing in front of him. He doesn't seem to like participating in the offense."

Wenger turned his gaze to Patrice again and raised his eyebrows slightly, making his intent clear.

What about the excellent overall situation awareness and passing attributes you mentioned.

After getting comfortable in his seat, Patrice said to Wenger; "If you want to see his offensive talent, then you can tell him directly and give him an order, otherwise he will stick to his defensive habits and with pressure on the defence, do you expect him to participate in the attack?"

Wenger pondered; "Understandable. Any other reason?"

"The lack of desire for victory by teammates."

"Even in today's scrimmage, you could see that under the obvious disadvantage, he was still running frantically to block all kinds of passes, and the reason why the substitute's team only conceded two goals. He was a big help here.I think everyone here knows that."

Hearing that, the coaches nodded.

Having said this, Patrice paused for a moment, then raised his hand and said: "I propose to carry out the follow-up work on the papers , urge the hearing to start as soon as possible, and enable him to start in the second half of the season!"

Wenger frowned slightly ,"Are you sure? He's only 17 years old."

"I'm sure." Patrice said with certainty: "He still has a lot of potential to tap. You haven't seen his passing on the offensive end. It's like magic. You don't know where he's going to pass, but when the ball is passed, there will be a fatal gap!"

"Of course, he still has many problems now, such as he can't hold the ball, his lack of top tier football experience and his speed but he is talented and can be trained. We can put in training and transform his gameplay in the matches he will play."

Finally, Patrice unleashes a big bomb.

"He has the potential to be the next Pirlo with his offence and as for defence, you all have bore witness to."


Now the whole coaching staff was frying.

They have never seen Patrice, a miser with praises, to make such an evaluation.

Mind you when he faced Cesc Fabregas and a handful of the 'Invincible squad' at the beginning, was when he gave such an evaluation.

So what kind of magic does this Kai have that makes Patrice full of praise.

Wenger was also a little stunned.

He never thought that his friend would praise a player so unreservedly so soon.

And that's not all!

Patrice stared at Wenger and said, "He has what you need!"

After, he closed his mouth several times and said a word.

Wenger's pupils shrank, but he calmed down quickly. He took a deep breath and said, "Notify the club and let them speed up the hearing of 'Le Kai, I want him to get a labour certificate before Christmas."


Kai didn't know that a lot of things had changed in one training match.

At this time, Kai was coaxing Chamberlain.

In the locker room, Chamberlain sat on the bench with his back to Lucky, with two shin pads in his hands, knocking each other together seemingly venting his inner dissatisfaction.

Le Kai said helplessly," So are you going to mope around and not get a bath ?"

Chamberlain with his back still to Lucky and said, "No, just thinking on how to better my game."

"That is good."

Le Kai raised his index finger and said; "You know what, tonight dinner on me, so please go and get a bath "

Chamberlain immediately turned his head and said in surprise; "Are you sure?"

Lucky smiled; "Today is a special case, and there will be no assurance in the future."

"Well, no problem!" Chamberlain immediately ran into the bathroom .

Kai shook his head, opened the cabinet door and started changing clothes.

"Hey! Great game today."

Kai turned his head in amazement, he found Arsenal's main goalkeeper Szczesny smiled and stretched out his fist.

Le Kai smiled, stretched out his fist, and bumped it lightly.

"Your saves were also great, Gervinho had suffered a lot from you." Lucky said.

In response, Szczesny shrugged and said, "His shots were too straight and he was very defensive. I hope to fight alongside you in the future."

After saying that, Szczesny picked up his bag and left.

Le Kai looked at the other party in confusion, not knowing what the other party meant.

Hiss sudden gesture made him a little puzzled.

(end of this chapter)