Once upon  beautiful kingdom name "ELEVOLA." The kingdom was   blessed with natural resources. Also there lived a king named George Wells, he was jovial,he had 2 daughters named Bella and Aurora,he also had a son named Williams with one queen.

        It was past six in the morning when Aurora woke after a twisted nightmare.

        suddenly, she heard a knock on her door, come in Aurora answer.

it her maid Rose, her best friend. Rose said good morning my princess.

        But no reply from Aurora, your highness what is it Rose asked,  Aurora reply nothing.

Rose moved a bit close to her hold her hands and straight to Aurora eyes.

        Aurora understand what she meant, I had a nightmare, Aurora exclaimed.

        Rose reply go ahead and tell me about it.

Aurora reply ok, in my dream I walked through a narrow path, I saw "ELEVOLA" and a place white as snow.

         Heaven, interrupted by Rose.

Aurora continued , a lady was standing in front of the white place, she had wings, She called me to come with her, but a voice came from the other side and it was king George, he called me to come with him.

         suddenly, the path way began to crack down and collapse, there both screamed my name, but a sharp energy pin my feet to the pathway and next thing I fell into a dark shadow and I woke up.

        my princess I think your dream is trying to tell you about your parents.

          Aurora reply I don't know my mother. Rose concluded, saying my princess you have to get ready for the royal ball and breakfast.

         Aurora reply, oh I forget about it.