At the dining table, with the royal family. The king asked, Aurora why are you not eating?

          Aurora reply, oh father am not hungry.

Aurora asked, father have you ever seen an angel.

         King George was about to reply when the queen interrupted, it time for the royal ball.

        At the royal ball, were different guest, then the king made a toast.

       After the toast, king George presented his two daughters to the guest to play the note(flute).

    First Bella played, second Aurora played, so well that every guest was amazed .some

guest give Aurora gifts.

      Aurora felt unbalance, when the queen and her daughter envy her.

      The king was so proud of her, the king of "GRANDFORD" Richard Creed present Aurora a "Golden Harp" which signifies "Royalty."

     king Richard Creed asked Aurora if she would like to visit

"GRANDFORD" the most beautiful kingdom among the four kingdoms.

     Aurora reply, oh your highness I would love to visit "GRANDFORD," but king George interrupted, my daughter is still young and she is just seventeen, which mean she must be at my custody at all time until she get to eighteen.

     Well it look like you don't trust me anymore, what have I done?, king Richard Creed respond.

     I am just concerned about her safety you know she has not been out of the palace before neither does she know anybody outside the palace.

     For a while king Richard Creed kept thinking "who do he think he is, well I have to play along his decision but soon or later I will take over the kingdom."

     King George, asked saying what are you thinking my friend.

king Richard Creed reply nothing, just worried about the man who travel around "TROPICAL" to draw a map  of our continent.

     King George respond, he sent me a message saying he was almost done with the map.

      soon the party ended, and all the guest return to their destination.