Trial by Smithing, Part 1

"So, I just tap my bar on yours like this"—I did as Master Doomsday instructed and placed my status bar over the extra-large bar resting on his palm—"and I'll get—whoa!" 

I heard the notification ping that announced the arrival of the half-giant's reward for the other night's debacle. And, based on the prize, I guessed Mistress Lorelai and Grandmaster Dwalinn weren't the only instructors who'd been impressed by my contributions in the battle against the patchwork wolves and their monster horde. 

[ALERT! You have earned one [Challenger Ticket] from [Doomsday]. Challenger tickets may be used during proving exams to challenge novice rankers who are ranked up to five times higher than your current rank. If unranked, a challenger ticket may be consumed to challenge the lowest-ranking novice during the exam period.]