Monster Hunter, Part 1

NOTE: Back to the main story! More side chapters coming in the future too!


At first, following Grendel's trail was easy enough to do as its giant bulk forced the monster to destroy the great oaks, hornbeams, and maples that were in its path as it hiked up to higher ground. However, as the trees began giving way to a rockier terrain—allowing small patches of light to dart past the still-dense foliage—the trail I followed grew colder and colder because the wily beast's steps were unbelievably light to leave any imprints on the earth. 

"How the Hel is something bigger than Doomsday this light-footed?" I wiped away the sweat coating my brow. "Could Grendel be smart enough to hide its traces…?" 

Well, that was a worrying thought. If the beast I thought was prey also had a hunter's mind, I needed to be extra wary lest it turned around and hunted me before I found it. 

"Baldr's balls," I cursed. "I'm not going out like Red Riding Hood."