Back in Business, Part 2

The huge gap of experience between levels nineteen and twenty had been bridged with the help of my first red phoenix bead, so I never got to experience the slump that Liara had when I met her. This time, the equally challenging gap between twenty to twenty-one was also easily scaled with the aid of a medicine only the sorcerer monks of Kūnlún usually enjoyed. It took attuning to her Ice Crown just for Liara to get to twenty-one, so I think I was doing pretty well considering. But seriously, if I needed another pill to level up again then it was going to be a problem. Seriously. 

Anyway, when I opened my eyes, I discovered that Liara was still deep in her cultivation. Based on the black droplets clinging to her skin, I assumed she'd also succeeded in the 'Bone Restructuring' method that I'd undergone. 

'The sorcerer monks of Kūnlún can suck it.' Cue the mad scientist laugh in my mind. 'Bwahahaha!'