A Glimpse of Ván, Part 2

It was true. I now had the beginnings of a plan forming in my mind. But first, let's organize the facts as I've deduced them. 

Liara was fact number one. Meaning the she-elf hadn't gone through the same experience I had. She didn't follow Fenrisúlfr back to his prison even though her hand was stuck inside the shadow's mouth. This realization led me to fact number two. 

The reason I was taken into Fenrisúlfr's realm must've been because of Gleipnir's chain. The myth-rated item's connection to me—the fact that it was sucking the life out of me while I tried to unbind it—must've been so strong that whatever magic allowed Fenrisúlfr's shadow to cross over into the emerald realm saw me as a part of Gleipnir, and we all knew Fenrisúlfr couldn't go anywhere without Gleipnir. Not even his shadow was free of it. 

The third fact was Fenrisúlfr's prison. I was only there briefly but it was enough time to deduce several interesting observations about the place.