Bad Blood, Part 1

[ALERT! The presence that stoked the beast's rage has been eliminated. [Curse of the Werewolf] has been forcefully deactivated.]

With the threat of Granny removed, the wolf was no longer necessary. This was why my body had reverted to regular old magical me despite the half-moon continuing to influence my mood. Too bad that it also meant all my new stats had dropped back to normal levels as my status bar's second notification would tell me. 

[ALERT! All attributes have been reset to normal values.]

'Well, at least I now know what it'll be like when my stats have risen to a hundred.'

[ALERT! [Regeneration Lv.1] will be retained.]


"Wisdom," Liara called as she drew closer, "are you feeling all right?" 

"I think so…" I glanced down. I no longer felt extra hairy. Particularly in places where the sun didn't shine. "One moment." 

I undid the buttons of my new robe so I could inspect the rest of me.