Bad Blood, Part 2

Note: Edited 11/10/23 - Updated the ending scene.


The Lady of the Night Circus—yeah, that did sound like a badass title for someone you wouldn't want to meet in a cemetery in the middle of the night. Regrettably, that was exactly the kind of situation our raid team was running toward. However, before we could tackle the big vampire problem, there was this little issue of Saga and Liara at each other's throats which I was sadly in the middle of. 

"For real, I thought you moving to the Tower was just you being thirsty and all, but now I see you made the right call, Lockwood." As she said this, Saga's piercing blue eyes focused on the soft glow wrapped around Liara's hand. "You're not as basic as you used to be. Flexing for your man and all." 

"He's not my man," Liara insisted, while I chimed in with, "I'm not her man yet…"