Not All that Glitters is Gold, Part 2

Edited: Minor edits, but I also changed the riddle at the end.


With this surprising evolution of my curse came an equally surprising notification about my future as a werewolf. 

[ALERT! A rare strain of lycanthropy has been born inside of you, unlocking a divergent path that may put you at odds with the other members of your wolf pack.]

I figured there were a variety of werewolf strains just like there was a whole slew of vampire subspecies like strigoi, Carpathians, aswang, and the Atlantean empousa spread throughout the realmsverse. The patchwork wolf, the classic wolfman, and the wilder-looking bipedal werewolf were examples of such strains. There was also the demon wolf, which I thought might not just be one of Fenrisúlfr's titles. 

If the bloodstained wolf was a rare strain of lycanthropy, then the demon wolf must at least be a legendary tier strain. One of a kind too by the looks of it.