The Glowing Stick of Destiny, Part 1

"What do we do with the skin of man to hide a secret we do not want shown?" I repeated the first lines of the riddle. 

Liara's eyes lit up with understanding. 

"To wear it," she answered. 

"Correct," I nodded smugly. 

"So, you got 'were' from wear?" My betrothed frowned. "I guess riddles aren't supposed to make sense at the beginning." 

"They're not," I agreed. 

Figuring out that wear was something meant to sound like the first half of the actual word we needed wasn't easy if you didn't understand the meaning of the next half of the riddle. 

"The truth of the beast who is brave against foes yet fears to be alone," Liara recited the next half of the riddle, but also figured out its meaning without me needing to explain. Nerd. "A wolf is brave in a fight but it's also a very social creature that lives with a pack." 

"So, add wear and wolf and you get…" I began. 

"Werewolf," Liara answered.