Like a Dragon, Part 2

We ran forward, straight, and true toward an enemy many times our size and probably many times stronger than we were. All so we could save someone who'd helped us throughout this mess we'd been put in by the god of trickery, lies, and thieves. 

Well, at least that's what the serpent claimed when he visited me in my dreams. I couldn't just trust his word though. He was THE trickster after all. 

"I know this sounds crazy, but I wish we were fighting the demon wolf again," Liara whispered to me while we ran. 

"It's not crazy," I huffed, "because we're at least to fighting kaiju wolves by now…" 

I puffed too. 

"A drake though…" I glanced up at the monster we were trying to get around. 

Surprisingly, being able to switch between four legs and rising to just its hindquarters made the earth drake very agile so that it could follow our movements with ease without having to sacrifice the center of the round chamber.