Dreaming with a Broken Heart, Part 2

Note: Thanks to hitting 205 powerstones last week, I'll be publishing an extra chapter this week. Look forward to it!


I sat up wide-eyed and breathless, with sweat coating my back, and heart-wrenching pain lancing my chest. 

"Who's Liz?" asked a familiar soft voice. It was the one voice I longed to hear. Although there was a slight coldness to her tone this time. 

I glanced over my shoulder. "Liara…" 

As was her way, my fiancé was sitting by the windowsill—a thick log of solid oak that held her lithe form with ease. She was wearing my blue aviator jacket over a new set of blue mage robes. Liara's bare feet were resting on the ledge, but her favorite pair of brown high-cut Nyke Explorers V lay on the wooden panel floor beneath the window. 

I got up from the hard cot I'd been lying in, strode over to where she sat and then wrapped my arms around her without waiting for her to be okay with it.