With Recent Pains Come Many Gains, Part 1

[ALERT! A Change has occurred with the title [The Teenager Without Fear of Death]!]

"What changes can you get from a title you made up?" Liara asked. 

"We're about to find out," I said, grinning. 

[[TITLE: The Teenager Without Fear of Death] A title coined by Will Wisdom to strengthen his resolve for when he meets another death. This title is primarily responsible for ensuring Will's mental state is protected from being overwhelmed by the many unimaginable endings he experiences repeatedly…]

"Wow, I didn't know this title was that important," I whistled. 

"You didn't know that this was keeping you sane?" Liara asked incredulously. 

"I've never been able to check the title's effects until now," I admitted. 

[Boons: Ensures mental state does not deteriorate to the point that the title holder can no longer function normally, learn skill [Daring], +20 Willpower.]